Chapter 7

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Steve: "Good luck trying to find the portal without me to lead you there. It's impossible."

"Wait, what if we go into our history and follow the videos backwards?" Ian asked me.

"Let's go!" I said.

(Teleported to the last video)

Steve: "fine, you want to run away from me? I'm up for the challenge."

Anthony's PoV

Ian and I traveled into a video with a cute cat in the basket.

Both: "Aww..."

"Look at the cute little whiskers..." I said at Ian, still looking at the cat.

Suddenly the cat explodes.

Both: (screams)

"Jesus!" Ian yelled.

(Teleported to the last video)

Steve: (laughs manically)

(Teleported into a car)

Driver: "Shiney..."

The driver was driving towards a truck. The truck driver's face changed into Steve's face.

Steve: "You can't escape Steve YouTube." (Laughs)

"Dude, quick, get us outta here now!" Ian said.

"I'm trying!" I yelled.


(Teleported to Ian's gf video)

Ian was gonna hug BMG but I stopped him.

"Hold on, hold on..." Ian said.

I sighed. "30 seconds..."

"Butt Massage Girl. I know you're not real, but I want you to know I'm going to find the real you once I get outta here. I promise you. And we're gonna fall in real love, okay?" Ian said.

BMG with Steve's face: "I'd like that very much, Ian." (Laughs)

Both: (yells/screams)

(Teleported in the closet of your live stream)

"I love you, (Y/n), and we'll be together soon, I promise." I whispered.

(Teleported to that weird [maybe gay?] furry party)

Both: (screams)

Steve: "Why is this video in your viewing history? Sickos."

(Teleports to Jenna's video)

Jenna: "Look. All I'm saying is that if you're a guy, right, and you're--"

Both: (yelling and crashing through her furniture)

Jenna: "Aw, watch the furniture!"

Steve: "Oh, hi, Jenna. I think it's so hot that there are two of you, and that you're never getting out of here, and that you're mine forever!"

Jenna: "Screw you, Steve."

(Teleports to Markiplier's video)

Mark: "Die, stupid humans, Die."

Both: (screaming)

((The video buffers))

"Dude, what the hell happened?" Ian asked.

Steve: "The video's buffering."

"Ugh, see? This is one of my pet peeves. It's 2014. Why is there still buffering? Why isn't this issue just been resolved years ago?" I said.

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