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I couldn't believe I was actually driving myself back to this place. I'd finally managed to escaped from the hell they call High School, diploma in hand and a middle finger to the building, drunk and stumbling with my best-friends. Yet here I was on an early, Monday, summer morning, hauling my ass back to my former high school.

As I pull up into the parking lot I spot her. She looks the exact same as she did in high school. It was almost like a flashback, however her hair was long— much longer then out first year here— easily reaching her hips.

But with the way she leant against the wall, next to the school door with a cigarette in hand was the same as she did in year 11 and 12 every morning while she waited for me to get dropped off. Id always secretly thought it was because I'd brought her some form of hot beverage and sometimes food, that she'd agreed to wait outside. Her excuse was she didn't like anyone in there and preferred to stay outside, even in 15°F weather. I jam my keys in my pocket and slam to door shut. My hand subconsciously goes to my hair and I run my finger through the roots, tussling It. I crack a small smile, Looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"Hey slut." She calls to me, blowing the smoke out of her mouth after she speaks. Her thumb flicks against the butt of the cigarette, knocking the ash off the stick.

The smile grows across my face and a laugh sputters lightly from my lips as I kick a little rock against the curb, then step up onto it. I take longer stride once I'm on the sidewalk till I reach her.

She takes her last puff and flicks it at the ground in front of me; an old habit of ours. I scrunch it out under my foot.

She never put her cigarette out despite my constant protests of batting it, in the end i'd always end up putting it out for her. We embraced quickly and kiss each other cheeks.

It has been about 4 weeks since we'd see each other last. Right after the first year of collage, she'd gone off to New York for a writing internship and I'd gone to Chicago to see my fathers side of the family. We'd tried to keep in touch and talked as often as we could.

So needless to say we were thrilled to be back together. "How was New York?" I ask her, as she slings her arm over my shoulder.

"It was fun. How was Chicago." She tells me, something seemed a little weird in her answer. I decided not to push.

"It was cool." I smile, fixing my hair behind my ear. We both not say anything after this, although it doesn't take long before were both laughing.

"This is cool as fuck, I can't believe it's finally happening." She hums.

I nod enthusiastically. "Maybe we should go inside now though, so we don't miss it." I note with a laugh.

She rolls her eyes and starts walking towards the door, pulling me with her. She pushes against the small bar on the door and pushes it open, still with her arm around my throat. I purposely make a choking noise, to which she unlock her arm from my neck. I straighten up as we walk through the second door. A big poster is plastered on the wall right outside of the door with directions for the extras to meet into the gym.

"Gym." I joke, in a horrified voice. She shutters back and makes a disgusted noise. We both break out laughing.

"Remember that time Jack got thrown into that locker?" She laughs.

"Oh my god! The dent is still there!" I sputter with laughter, she quickly joins in.

We're surprisingly able to stumble our way to the gym and once we'd flung the door open our laughter subdued. It's defiantly not what we expected, that being because there were no other extras. They seem to be in the middle of takes, because the first cheerleaders are sitting around on the stage and Gerard is no where to be seen.

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