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The rest of the day went by in a blur, except for the moment that Mikey way asked us out for coffee with the rest of his band.

I was convinced that I'd go into some form of cardiac arrest at the thought, and I knew Heidi wasn't short of it either. I considered it a stroke of luck, that didn't go down, because neither of us would have been competent enough to call, and we'd have died on her office floor without having gone for coffee with My Chem.

The coffee date was scheduled relatively soon, to our silent but high satisfaction. Mikey briefly mentioned the upcoming concert, which we'd hastily decided not to comment on, and how their schedule would be extremely packed for about the next week or so. Therefor next Thursday it would be.

I was laying starfish style on Heidi's bed at probably around 8 o'clock at night -soon after finishing dinner -when I bolted upright; the realization hitting me in the face like a cold, probably bacteria ridden, soggy, school carnival sponge. "HOLY FUCK THURSDAYS IN TWO DAYS."

My sudden outburst accidentally scared Heidi's cat, who'd jumped from the top shelve of her bookcase, to the floor with a loud thump, startling Heidi. She screamed before turning to glare at me.

"What the literally hell Kim." She said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Listen I'm sorry," I laugh. "But dude, it's two days. Geez I'm not ready for that much beautiful all in one room again. Then on top of that the concert on Friday. I think I'm going to have a stroke."

Crossing my arms behind my head I flop down onto my back. In the next few moment proceeding Heidi lifts up her sketch book to me. "Done." She told me.

I cock my eyebrow at her slightly confused. "It's you and frank at your wedding." She explains.

"Why do I look like a duck then." I counter, still with eyebrows raised.

"Ok ... Well..." Heidi laughs sheepishly.

"If we're gonna draw mean pictures about me and my husband, throw me a pen and some paper because I'm not gonna be the only one here." I tell her, shuffling up her bed to rest my legs over the side near where she was seated at her desk.

She throws me my yearbook from year 10, that if managed to leave here for 3 years consecutively, a stack of paper and some pens. Cracking my fingers I uncap one of the pens and get down to it.

After about 5 minutes of vigorous line making I felt slightly pleased with my avant-guard piece. Not my usual style, and without a reference typically ended poorly for me; today it was just a black messy scribble of lines that somehow turned out as semi-realistic portrait of her and Mikey Way himself.

I look down at it, clutched in my hand to show Heidi, and laugh. "It's kinda weird, but-" I shrug, cutting myself off not really sure where to take that sentence.

She finished a few moments after looking up at my drawing and throws me he sketch book, while taking the paper from me.

I turn the book over and crunch my nose up. "Gross!" I tease.

"Hey, it's 100% realistic and when it happens after coffee I will write a fan-fiction about your life and upload it to every site the Internet has ever known." She tells me. I look back down at the vulgar cartoon people and scrunch my nose again.

Set with payback in mind I fling her the book and begin to draw again.

An hour and some very vulgar drawing — that I'd surly die of humiliation of Wendy or Dave ever found— later we were sat back in the kitchen at the island drinking juice boxes.

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