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When I finally opened my eyes, for the first time this morning, it was still dark in the room. I flip over onto my side and grab Heidi's blankets. "HOLY FUCK ITS TODAY. TODAY IS THE DAY! WAKE THE FRICK UP HEIDI. THE DAY IS HERE!"

Obviously after that outburst I realize she's not in bed, so embarrassing I get myself untangled from my own sheets and set out for downstairs. Smells like eggs when I get there, and I figure out that it is actually very light out. It dons on me after that the blinds were drawn.

I squint as I take a seat; the toaster pops a few moments later. As Heidi drops off my eggs and bagel in front of me, I pleasantly note that she's still in her own pyjamas. As she sits down in front of me with her own food she laughs.

"Morning." She smiles, before digging into her own food.

"Time?" I grumble, pushing all of my eggs into the bagel and biting in.

After she swallows her own bite she turns to me. "Nine thirty."

With a mouthful of food I groan. "It's so early."

We meet the boys at 11 at the coffee shop on bank street, called something like Arnold's. We'd passed it a few times, but never had really gone in. We didn't live in the city and were rarely ever down there anyway.

"But MCR." Heidi reminds me. I nod reluctantly.

"I need to straighten my hair." I tell her, looking down at the destroyed waves I have the unpleasance of calling hair. She nods in agreement; or solely to comply with me.

We both head upstairs after having finished eating, and into her bathroom. She plugs in her straighter and goes to change. After a couple minutes she comes back in, wearing a pair of black cargos, a grey halter, and a black tie.

Taking the flat iron from me she evens out a couple of the pieces in the black — that I'd inevitably missed— before straightening her own hair. Eventually she pulls it up into a ponytail, clipping her bangs up as well. I just leave my hair straight in a middle part and call it a day.

Heidi spends another 10 minutes on getting the perfect wings — rubbing them off ever couple of seconds, before she finally gives up and applies the mascara over top. I'd repeatedly told her they looked fine but she didn't seem to believe me even though I'd been doing makeup my whole life.

As we slip on our shoes I pull my keys from my pocket. Heidi waits, while I adjust my shoe again, staring at one of her dads hats on the small table by the door. Just as I finish with my shoe she shrugs and slams it into her head, pulling her pony tail through the strap in the back. Typically we would say bye to Steven but we had absolute no idea where he was— so that.

My house was half an hour away from Heidi's and closer to the city— meaning busses actually ran where I lived, fortunately for me.

We plowed inside and straight into my room. Heidi throws herself on my bed as I scramble for clothing. In the end it's a jean skirt and an off white shirt that read 'beat it creep' in red letter, don't remember why I bought it— but it was probably from Spencer's, the trashy emo story that I spent all my time in.

Then it's my turn to apply makeup, and though Im
Going to be in the room with My Chemical Romance, I can't care enough to make sure it's neat. It ends with a solid face base and wings with glitter on the sides that accidentally leads into my temple. Berry coloured lips and a jean jacket, also join the mix and we set out for the road again.

Looking at the dashboard clock it becomes apparent that we are going to be late— and also probably never find a parking spot. As we wait at a light that seems to never change, a familiar opening bars to an iconic song.

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