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"What album next?" Heidi asks me once I've returned from the bathroom.

We'd just finished listing to all of black parade, extended addition, and though we already knew every word to every song on every album, we thought it was still important to listen to music before a concert.

Thinking hard for a few second, the discussion comes easily . "Bullets." I tell her, throwing my old clothing onto the end of the bed.

Heidi goes about switching the CD as I sit back down in front of her mirror. Pumping some liquid foundation into the back of my hand just as the music starts. Briefly in the mirror I catch Heidi jump onto the bed.

After getting every inch of my face in the beigeish colour, I move on to contour but decided to skip blush — which I normally wore to prevent looking dead every time I went out— but today was the exception. I was going to an emo concert, therefore I'd try my hardest to look the part.

"I feel like my hearts about to stop." I confess to Heidi. Briefly taking my eyes off of myself and glancing up in the mirror to see her. She'd switched positions on her bed, in those brief minutes. Now with her hair now fanning around her, dangling a Kerrang! Magazine above her, flipping the page ever couple of minutes. I'd picked up my liquid eyeliner next.

Her hair had been straightened successfully — by herself without burning her flesh off, this time. Despite all the time and effort it actually took to get her ridiculously long and thick hair straight, she still threw it up into a high ponytail. Which ended up reaching the same length as my normal hair. Her thick, dark and sparkly eye makeup however, I had been the conspirator behind.

"Why? Need to take an aspirin? I'll call 911— ya know when you're having a heart attack you don't only feel chest pain, but in your arms as well?"

"Where'd you get that?" I ask her, looking up thought the mirror to her again. "Grey's Anatomy?" I retort, referring to that horrific soap opera she began watching a few weeks prior.

When she stayed silent and flipped to the next page of the magazine, I smirked to myself knowing I won. Turning back to my makeup, I take great note in admiring the wing I'd just created. However the donning moment hit me that if I didn't get this wing spot on, on my opposite eye, I would disappoint not only myself; but everyone else around me as well.

Heidi pauses to pick up her glass, taking a large sip and cringing slightly after, before beginning to talk.

"I'm internalizing it all." She tells me, leaving me no choice but to roll my eyes at her attempt at being philosophical. "But really, aren't we sorta like not eligible to freak out anymore?"

I almost want to punch myself in the face because as soon as I lift the liner to my eye she begins talking. I'm forced to continue as I take in what she says.

"Why's that?" I ask, very slowly and drawn out, in my best attempt to not shut my eyelid prematurely. I was the master at mascara and eyeliner faces.

Through my peripherals I can see her knock back another couple of huge sips from her glass. I'd left mine sitting next to me on the floor, but had only gotten thought a couple of sips in the time I'd poured it.

"We went for coffee with them yesterday. We basically know them. You kissed frank for crying out loud!" She reminds me.

To my surprise when I pull the liner away the two lids are pretty even. Grabbing my cup a take a giant gulp, then grab my makeup brushes.

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