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"Excuse me, Miss. You aren't able to talk any liquids past this point." I hear the security guard tell one of the girls, a couple people ahead of me. In a panic, Heidi whips around to face me.

"What the shit do we do!" She screech, holding up our own bottle.

"Yeah not only, we have two." Brock cuts in, holding up the second water bottle I'd managed to completely forget about. The look of panic doubles on Heidi's face as we're ushered farther forward.

"What do we do!" She hisses, her back to the security guard, that would see us in three seconds.

"I dunno!" Brock hisses back. I begin to laugh hysterically.

"Shove it in your pants!" Heidi hisses again, sparing a moment to give me a dirty glare. Brock does as he's told just as Heidi back turns around giving the guard a fake smile. "Hellloooo."

"Yeah so sorry, you won't be able to take any liquid past this point." The guard tells Heidi. I debate for a second weather or not it's possible for Heidi to seduce him into letting us take the alcohol through; deciding finally on probably not. "And I just need to quickly check your bag."

Glancing from Heidi to Brock again, I realize that he's got the water bottle sticking directly in the crotch of his pants. However, before I'm able to ponder his location choice further, I'm being called and shoved, through the security line. One of the guards waves a metal detector over my body, before letting me move further.

I'm thankful I'm not required to speak, because my brain is in a total mush and I doubt I'd be able to say anything conclusive. Heidi's done bag check after a couple of seconds, the guard comes up without anything, obviously, and she always gets through until they remind her of her water bottle.

She gulps before sparing me a glance. "Right." Uncapping the bottle slowly she turns back to the guard. To my surprise she lifts the bottle up to her lips and take a huge gulp. When she pulls away the guard is staring at her intently, waiting to gauge her reaction.

She shuts her eyes for a brief moment and pulls the bottle back to her mouth. At this point she's basically an Olympian athlete to me, and she takes another drink. Eventually she pulls away and there is way less liquid in the bottle then I expected. She gives a pained smile to the guard before turning to Brock.

She lifts the bottle up at him and he's about to reach for it when the guard clears him, and pushes him into the row next to mine. "Fuck." Heidi mutters under her breath. "If I die tell Mikey Way I love him."

"Why would you be dying?" The guard asks skeptically. "What's in that water bottle miss?"

Oh fuck.

There was no way the guard didn't know what was in that bottle. "Just water." Heidi says casually, taking a sip. It would have been convincing too if she didn't gag then cringe right after.

The guard cocks an eyebrow and Heidi shrugs, trying her best to be casual. Just takes another sip, letting some of it dribble out of her mouth, down her chin and all over her shirt and the ground, as she talks. "I really hate water."

"Smells suspiciously like alcohol?" The guard states, "Can I smell that water bottle miss?"

In one swift motion, the taller girl brings the bottle to her mouth and chugs the rest of its contents before aggressively pitching the bottle into the near by trash. "HOLY SMOKES." She screams, charging through the gate and snatching me and Brock's arm as she passes; her eyes red and streaming tears. "I DID THIS FOR YOU MIKEY WAY."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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