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This kiss was definitely not romantic, or sweet. It was a full-tongue, biting each others lips, hands in hair, kisses that leave you practically certain you need new lungs. While shocking would defiantly be an understatement to the kiss— Shocking because I wasn't expecting it, or shocking because a celebrity was kissing me, I'd still hadn't decided.

The kiss defiantly lasted more then a couple minutes, in fact the song had stopped playing by the time we pulled apart— panting for air. Both having to wipe our mouths on the back of our hands, we make eye contact again and sheepishly laughed.

"Extras, off the stage!" The booming voice calls. Panic flashes across me and I scramble to my feet, leaving the rockstar laying on his back on the stage floor. I don't look back as I jump off the stage, but careful to not hit the tipped over the fence.

The directors voice is soon booming across the gym, but this time for the band, and not the extras. I end up resting against the wall next to a couple of the people from the camera crew, watching the band meet with the director on the side of the stage. I'm surprised that the crew don't kick me from the gym.

I'd given them a polite smile as soon as they'd look at me. It was pretty awkward just standing there waiting for Heidi to come back, however my prayers were soon answered. My head shot up at the sound of soft foots steps coming towards me. Unable to help myself, I gasp.

"Hey! Come here!" I say excitedly. I'm tacked to the ground in affection.

"Hi baby!" I coo happily, running my hands through his soft hair. "Who's a handsome boy? You are!"

"Ugh, Kim?" Heidi's voice calls, and I tilt my head to get a look at her. She's got her eyebrows raised, with a sceptical look gracing her pale features. "What are you doing."

I roll my eyes slightly, blushing. "Nothing." I start to stand again slowly.

"Well, yuck, don't touch." She says, her voice laced with disgust.

"Not my fault you don't like them." I say definitively, crossing my arms.

Her voice is the same tone as my own. "It's not just me, a million people don't like them."

"Well many more like them." I argue back.

"Just don't touch, he's not yours."

"I could sneak him home." I smirk.

"No the dog is staying here, Kim." She says grabbing my wrist beginning to pull me out of the gym.

"Bye! I love you!" I yell at the dog as the door slams behind us.

Heidi turns to me, her face reads a fairly simple expression. "What the fuck."

"I love dogs." I laugh.

"Still. You can take someone's dog." She says slowly, crossing her arms, as we start to walk down the hall to the cafeteria.

"It's technical not talking if the dog wanted to come." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Wait oh my god!" Her attention comes back to me. "I totally forgot to tell you something!"

"Yeah?" She asks. "What is it?"

"Alright you know how we went on stage, yeah?" I start to hell her, as we take long strides to the atrium again, —where we were promised snacks.

"Well duh," She states plainly. "It's only the most exciting thing to ever happen to me."

I laugh for a second before getting back to my story. "Well we got on the stage and someone threw me into this guy, and they threw me into someone else, and when I was about to say sorry, they knocked us both down. So I ended up laying on this guys chest and when I realized who it was I started to freak out and try to get off, but I got kicked into his chest again and then we saw the camera and he pulled me down and kissed me! Frank fucking Iero kissed me!" Forgetting to take breaks in between my sentences, ends with me practically shouting the last words, then gasping for breath.

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