Chapter 5

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I know I haven't updated in forever. I've been working on With You (now Miss Perfect). I  am done with that novel and this will be my next one to accomplish. So here goes nothing.

****Be aware that my writing style kinda changed, you were warned.


Ohh I had that conversation with that cutie. It was just a mixture of "Hey" and our names. It was.... a ... what you call it, a disappointment. My flirting game is so off these days, man I'm a disappointment.  I didn't even give him my number! Then the realization that I have a boyfriend came back to me. I reminded myself that I needed to calm down. 

I arrived to see my bestie with  bags, or should I say mountains of bags. "Umm Emily, are you holding a family's bags? "

She rolled her eyes at me, "No Gesh, these are my bags."

"You have got to be kidding me. My precious car isn't carrying all those  bags. You know what, lets call a tow truck for those belongings of yours."

"No! Your car will do just fine. " Before I even got to scream no, she started putting her glaciers in my car. "I don't understand why you brought so much stuff when you are just staying with us for a week."

"A girl has to be prepared."

"Prepared for what?! A earthshatering moment where you would need all of your things?!" 

She stared at me than said, "Yes, yes.  That moment exactly. You never know when I will need to escape. I can be a felon for all you know." Rolling my eyes and shaking my head I hopped into the driver seat.


I stuck my head out the window. "What?" 

Her eyes bulged out of her head, and he hands were on her hips. "You left me out here to pack in all these bags. Aren't you going to help me?!"

I blinked at her several times saying not a word. She stared dumb-fondly at me, like I should help her with her glaciers."Look, Emily. I told you to bring TWO bags." I held up two fingers, "Two. And I packed in those two. Now for the rest of your mountains, that is your problem sweetheart. I don't help felons." I smiled sweetly.

After a while she stated to struggle and being the good friend I am, I decided to take a break from my tiring texting and playing Color switch to help her. I'm that generous. I came out the car and packed in about 10 bags in five minutes. Looks like lifting weights actually pay off.

I dusted my hands off only to see Emily there still with her eyes out of her head. "Look, are you gonna come in or nah? I can leave you here if you want."  I saw her face, and I started laughing, "You know I would never leave my friend out here on the curb of an airport. I love you girl. You're the sister I never had."

"Damn right."

" Plus I wouldn't waste all my gas to get here and pick up somebody I could care less about." 

"Yeah, yeah! You wouldn't do that to me! We're best friend forever."

"Yeah, girl. They better get it right.

She finally ended up getting shot gun. As I got into the drivers seat I said "We're going to see Diggy tonight!" While she said "Happy birthday"with the same amount of enthusiasm.


From the future: I started writing this months ago. I'm sorry that I didn't post earlier.

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