Chapter 3

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Sorry this chapter was trash I'm rewriting it.


Ohh my gosh two guys are fighting over me! First I was just dancing with Nathan, then Kevin some how got in the mix. I don't even know why. I'm so confused right now. There was blood all over the gym floor, my dress and the boys. I bet the janitor will just have a party out of this.

I was trying to break it up, but not physically because I know some people who did that and got hurt. Like, three people doesn't need to be sent to the hospital, so I tried to encourage them to break it up. But you know boys, extremely irrational.

Soon the schools' security team came in and pulled the hoodlums apart. What took them so long? Is a question that forever replays in my mind. Were they watching the fight because their lives are just so boring, or were they hoping the boys would break it up themselves , so they didn't have to do their job?

Adults are just never there when you need them. Then we were all sent to the principles office. Why did I even have to be included in this mess?

"So why was there a fight in the middle of the school dance, that I had to come down to the school in my pjs? Like you guys ruined it for everyone." Mr. Rain said in his Spongebob pajamas.

Then Nathan decided to speak up "Well you see sir, this asshole over here" pointing to Kevin " saw me dancing with MY GIRLFIREND. And decided to start up some TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES."

"Well that's not what happened asswipe" Kevin said, " I saw him trying to itch himself up on Gesh"

Oh my, I tried to cover my face the whole time they talked. "Looking like he wanted something more out of her. DON'T YOU DARE, EVER AGAIN TO TRY AND MESS WITH THE MOTHER OF MY FUTURE..... um mm I mean friend. Yeah. Don't mess with my friend."

"What were you going to say Kevin?

"I meant friend, Geshian. Friend." He said. "Ohh yeah, that's it." Not, he was gonna say children. I just knew it. But didn't he have a girlfriend?

"Mr. Rain, could these two step out, so I can tell you what really happened?" He said yes and the security guards walked them out of the room.

"So, I met Nathan a couple of weeks ago, and we hit it off. Then we turned into friends and soon turned into more. "

"Could you get to the point Geshian?" Mr. Rain said. "Okay, okay I will. We came to the dance together and were having a fun time by the way. Then Kevin just punched Nathan in the face. I think you should talk to him about that though."

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