Chapter 6

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Boop. Boop. Boop. I heard my  heart beat to my ears. Eyes wide and fingers death gripped my comforter. I inhaled sharply as I frantically looked around my bed room.  

Tap-tap. A head filled with dark curly brown hair peaked out my door. "Honey, are you ready for you first day of school?"

I tilted my head and smiled, "Umm, not as yet mama." 

She gave me a small smile, but it soon dropped off of her face. Mother's eyebrows raised and she observed me. "Honey, are you alright?"

I forced myself to loosen my grip and to take a deep breath and smile. I shook my head, "no, nothing is the matter. I'm-I'm" I closed my eyes and let another breath come through my body, "I'm fine."

She took another moment to look at me. "I'm alright mom. Don't need to worry about me." I waved her off. " I love you mommy!"

Her smile surfaced again, but it was uneasy and unsure. "I love you too Giesha. Hurry up and get ready for school. You don't want to be late."

I rushed to the humble bathroom with plain light blue walls.I brushed my teeth, making sure those pearly whites stay white.  Taking a short but thorough shower, I began getting ready for school.

A billion and one thoughts rushed through my head  at once. 

Was that all a dream? 

Did Kevin really get into fight because... because of me?

Was everyone at school really gonna hate me?

Why did all these boys want me?

This had to be a dream.

Maybe, a billion and 4 thoughts.


I splashed my face  with more water.

I need to get out of my head. Thoughts are just consuming me.

Quickly I got out of the shower.  I did my whole drying and dressing routine to begin my day. I grabbed my new smelling book-bag after I had spread my bed.

As, I walked down the steps, I took in deep breaths. I don't want my mom to become worried or suspicious. 

I came to the landing, to inhale the wonderful scent of soft batter on a buttered up skillet. I swear, my mother really loves me.

I skipped to the Baking Center- My food heaven.

I hugged my mom. "Thanks mom. You have truly blessed my soul, as these pancakes  will be blessing my body."

Her head turned to me fast. "Ohh- You wanted some?"

"Wait, you mean..." my mind put the dots together, "You mean, all these pancakes that were made, none is for me?"


I looked at her stomach the now pushed out. "Mom, I understand that your pregnant and all. But you're not depriving me of these pancakes today." I pointed to the deliciousness.

 I rubbed her stomach. I bent down to the level and whispered to it. "Little brother, this is the day you learn how to share."


I dreaded this. I didn't want to enter this place. I barely wanted to get off the bus stop. If it wasn't for one of my previous classmate, I would have went straight back home.

I held tightly on my bag strap. 

I walked into the building. 

No one bullying me {check}

No one calling me names [check]

Maybe in life people don't really care about you do to much and worrying about little things are just a waste of time and suffering.

I looked at my information sheet and made my way to my locker. Goosbumps popped all over my body. I see Kevin on a locker. Only this time he was kissing a girl with straight brunette hair while resting on it.

How crude? 

I dragged myself toward them, fully knowing that my loner was directly under them. 

I tried the whole cough thing and they didn't comply.

I tried tho tap the girl, but I didn't want to touch her. 

I silently gave up. I hanged my head as my heart kind of broke. It just felt kinda rustled not broken. 

"Hey!" A  clear confident voice barked out next to me. "Would you two get a room! Some people are trying to got to school and get an education." 

The girl slowly came off of Kevin, who had a smug face on. "Yo,mind your own business. I'm trying to reconcile with my girlfriend after not being able to see her fine self this long summer."

Did Kevin really just say that? 

I never knew how inconsiderate he really was.

" Well, this girl wants to get into her locker and you people are blocking it. 

Kevin was about to speak and this guy seemed to have enough and pushed Kevin's drunk immature ass out the way.

 I swear I've never been so happy in my life.

 Finally I checked out my savior. He had lushious light brown hair, a cute face and a little bit of a muscular body.

"Are you good now?" He smiled at me.

I shook my head and said thank you. 

He then rushed away.

At that moment I didn't know he would have changed my life and mean so much to me.

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