Chapter 4 part 2

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"I love you, I need you. I can't live without seeing your face everyday"

"Come talk to me after school we need to speak. I need you" 

I can't comprehend what I am hereing. Is this true  what I am hearing from Kevin? "No you are so confusing you have a girlfriend go be with her. I am tired of being used. I am not a side chick, I am not cheep. SO BACK UP OUT OF MY FACE AND TALK TO DOG SHIT CAUSE ITS NOT ME!
What just happend. That was just a weird dream. Sometimes I think I live in my  head. "Miss! I don't appreciate children sleeping in my class. Pay attention or GET OUT AND GO TO THE DEAN'S OFFICE. "

"No need for that Mr. Black. Plus I don't appreciate teachers screaming in my face with coffee breath. You know coffee kills brain cells."

"Just shut up and pay attention in my class Geishian."

" So this is what you are going to do today class...."
That was a long class. Now I need to find Emily.

So glad schools over I've been wai-" Hey Gesh I need to speak to you." Way to ruin my day Kevin.  " How boat another time Kevin I need to find someone. "

"Oh I underatand probably meeting with your boyfriend" He said with so much distate in his mouth. "Happy Birthday" he said soo low that I almost didn't hear. I don't have time for him so I swerved past him and went going  to the Amtrak station waiting for my best friend Emily.

But before I went to get her, I picked up some bagles and donuts for us to chew down on. Its about time to turn up. So I put on Pandora and Chris Browns song X came on so I was goovin and driving.  I wonder if thats illegal? Probably, but they'll never get me!

Didn't I tell you I'm hard to get. Some gut was driving as slow as a turtle 

"Hey butthole drive!" I said through my window and the sexyest white man I have ever saw just had a sly grin on his face. He was just perfection. Nice broown hair nice eyes and everything you could want.

I guess..- what's her name is just going to have to wait. Hell yeah!



                           -DLOVE12 ;)

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