drawing lass

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Hey everyone.....sorry for my short chapters I promise this will be a long one!!!!

ENJOY & COMMENT...... Thanx!!!!!!!!! :) :D


By the time I got home I was still a bit freaked out.my mother was away at work

She came home some nights but other she would just work....

My older brother was in his room,probably with some poor girl.

So I decided to clear my mind and jumped under the shower,and went to bed.


The next morning my best friend bella came over....

"Where were you yesterday I left like 80 messages on your phone!!!"

I gave her my best smile and said,"I didn't feel like company"

"Oh my gosh! Don't tell me,are you pregnant?!"She gawked at me

Like I was some crazy experiment."No,did you get run over by a bus?"

I replied.

"Don't scare me like that Allie!, come on well be late for homeromm."


Great I thought homeroom with mr.Warren......

Today is so not my day.*sigh*

*at school*

I took my seat,and waited for this horrible day to pass.

Unfortunately I fell asleep in history and got myself double detention!!!

I wasn't very hungry so I skipped lunch and did my math homework.

The day dragged on and before you could say 'oh crap', I was making my way to

detention just to find out I was the ONLY one there...

So I did what I thought was right and sat down,feet on the desk

And ate my sandwich.Everything was just dandy until HE came in.

I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole...

"Glad to see you could make it alexey"he said and flashed the most

Beautiful smile you have ever seen.

"You- your the teacher who's supervising detention?"I asked confused.

Then it all made sense the picture,the whisper,the pain in his eyes...

He wanted me to be ALONE in detention.I suddenly became very


"Yes,"he said"I am supervising detention,but that's not the only

reason you are here..." I stared at him like I was about to be shot.

Then he pulled me out of my chair and I slowly backed away from him,

Only to find myself against the wall....


Thanx for reading....


"Exit pursued by a bear"

Have a good night or day!!!!!




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