drawing lass

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I woke up to the sound of my ring tone,A.K.A moves like jagger.I love that song , but not the point I was looking at the caller ID I didn't recognize it but answered it anyway...

"Helo"I answered sleepily.

"I thought I told you to leave the window open?"The deep voice from earlier spoke in a very threatening tone.

"I-i-i-i forgot "

"Well are you going to open it now?"

"Yes,no,maybe?" Geez he sounded really pissed of

"Yes I'm pissed of love...open the damned window!!!"

Oh my goodness I know that voice it sounds a lot like.....

"Andrew!!!!!!"I shouted into the receiver

Jumping up I made my way to my window and gave a step back, wondering how in blue hells name he was going to get up here, my room is on the second floor.

"Hi" a voice said behind me, andrew was brushing his lips against my neck. I was feeling a bit light headed at his touch.

"What if my mom comes in and finds you here?" I asked

"Mmmmmmm..... I guess so but she went out for a business dinner, and your brother is out with some girl" he said spinning me around to see my surprised face.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm a bit thirsty,ill be back in a second..."I said smiling at him as if he was the last male model on earth.

once I was downstairs I headed straight for the liquor cabinet....

He's my teacher,my history teacher I'm 14, its against the law! I could get expelled he could lose his job and that's not even the worst part he's a f**king vampire...

While I was ranting to myself I realized that I had just finished a whole bottle of vodka and I was busy with a whiskey one...

O dear this is gonna end bad I said to myself...but I still made my way back to my room to find him sitting casually on my bed.

"You are one hot history teacher..."I said slurring

"Are you drunk?"He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"No, just a little bit tipsy" I said motioning with my fingers

Caught red handed


I inched forward to him but he surprised me by standing up just as I was going to sit on his lap.

I fell down and he caught me easily.....holding me like I was a piece of porcelain

"I can stand you know" I said

"I know I just don't wanna let you go"he said

I smiled , and kissed him softly....


Hey guys cliffhanger!!!!!!!

I know I'm so evil....

Drawing lassWhere stories live. Discover now