drawing lass

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Want to know what happens next? Then read on.....


It looked like everything was playing out in slow motion,and that there was nothing I could do about it.

He came closer and closer until he took my face in his hands and softly said, "do you have any idea,how long I've been looking for you..."

"Wha- what do you want?"I demanded in a shaky voice."You, I'm in love with you Alexey." He managed to say not looking away from me,he then began playing with my hair before he leaned down and kissed me on my forehead.

In those few seconds he managed to slip a note in my pocket.....

'Dear my darling alexey....

Meet me at this address before midnight tonight.

Yours truly


I read the note over and over again making sure my eyes and imagination weren't misleading me....they weren't , the bell rang for the end of my detention I quickly ran to catch up with bella who was waiting for me at our usual meeting place.A group of jocks walked by while checking us out,but I was too busy thinking about whether or not I should go tonight?


When I got home adam (my brother) was siting on the sofa watching old reruns of cartoons.I shouted hi and went up to my room to plan my outfit for tonight.its not everyday your history teacher tells you that he's in love with you!

It was nearly midnight adam and my mom were already in a deep sleep so I got up,jumped under the shower and hurriedly washed my hair with my favorite shampoo...I got out grabbed a towel and walked back into my room,opened my closet and pulled on my pair of levi jeans,a black and white t-shirt and my sneakers applied a my make up light and went downstairs,where I was fighting with myself whether i should take my moms car but decided against it because I was only 14.so I walked instead...


20 minutes later I was in front of the houses address he gave me.I knocked on the door and he opened the door for me and pulled me inside,closed the door behind me and kissed me in the darkness of the hallway....then I realized that I was kissing him back,hating myself for letting my guard down.but secretly I didn't mind he stopped the kiss and I looked up at him.only to hear these words

"I want to tell you something before we begin a relationship....."


Sorry for the cliffhanger but I'm a bit stuck at the moment so forgive me?

'Exit pursued by a bear"



Drawing lassWhere stories live. Discover now