drawing lass

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Hey guys inspiration just struck!!!!


And THANKS!!!!


"I'm a vampire..."He said with a note of seriousness that made me burst out laughing in his face but something in his eyes made me stop,"what you tell me you're in love with me and then you drop the bomb about being a 'vampire',"I managed to get out between laughs but then I went on,"don't get me wrong I'm all for the vampire thing but am I being punk'd or something?"

He just stood there in front of me,his face in the shadows when his features started to change...his eyes weren't that shade of gray it always was, they turned a deep red almost crimson,he smiled at me but it looked different from earlier.I tried to get away but he was too fast for me....


I thought he was going to rip my throat out right here right now,until something knocked him away from me and I was looking at two almost identical andrews."What are you doing here?"The crimson-eyed andrew hissed between his sharp fangs.the other andrew with his beautiful gray eyes,didn't even bother answering the double.

Instead he turned to me,"are you alright my love?"He asked with a worried look in his eyes.I shook my head indicating a no...the crimson double lost his temper and lunged at my andrew while yelling something that sounded like,'don't ignore me little brother!' And just my luck I fainted on the spot...


I woke up in a big red and black room,a unknown figure was standing in a corner.he came into the light and I recognized him as mr.warren,where am I ? I thought,and when did I change my clothes?

"Your in my house,and don't worry my land lady changed you out of your clothes..."He said from the corner he was standing in.then it struck me I had said that out loud.he then spoke again,"no,you didn't say it out loud,I can read minds it comes with being a vampire."

"Well that explains a lot!"I muttered sarcastically,"what's the time? I forgot about my meeting with -OW!!!,why does my head hurt?"I exclaimed frantically.....

He came and sat on the bed with me and softly stroked my hair while I was crying for no reason on his big strong chest,"when you fainted you hit your head,I already sent a text from your phone to bella."He said in a soft and loving voice."Who was that guy I kissed!? He looked just liked you and he called you brother???"I spilling my question out like I had the word vomit syndrome.

"He's my evil twin brother,about 3000 years ago a witch put a spell on us,I would become king of the light world and he would become king of the dark world..."

"What's the hell is a light and dark world????"I demanded.he gave a long sigh and launched into a explanation that the light world was the home for all the GOOD mythical creatures and that the dark world was reserved for al the BAD demons and creatures.

After saying that he gave me a long kiss and I fell asleep with me in his tanned arms.....

Drawing lassTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang