Chapter 6- Dreaming of Better Days

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Chapter 6- Dreaming of Better Days.

Layken's POV-

It's been three days since Chyanne has been back, and it still seems surreal. We're doing everything we can to help her memory to come back but so far it's to no avail. Brian has pretty much fallen off the grid because we haven't been able to get in touch with him since she got back. He's probably lost his phone, or is just with another slut and doesn't give a shit that we've been calling.

I looked up from my book I was reading to see my sister waddling down the stairs, her hand resting on her growing bump. I still find it hard to believe that she's pregnant, let alone with twins. And they're Brian's. He's going to have a cow...maybe literally. Now that would be a sight to see...

"How did you do this? Twice infact." She asked me, settling into the lazy boy recliner, across from where I was sitting. I chuckled. "I honestly have no clue. I know Matt helped me a lot though when I felt like I was losing it." She smiled a small sad smile. We told her all about Brian. How sweet he was to her, and how in love with her he knows now. We explained that he is the father of her babies because he was the only one she was with before. We also had to tell her what happened after she disappeared. How he changed...She took it better than we expected.

"Still no word from him?" She asked me, hope laced in her voice. I sighed a small sigh, "Unfortunately, no babe, I'm sorry. We will though, don't worry. Matt is on it." She just nodded. My poor sister. Going through trying to regain your memory is stressful enough, but doing it and being five months pregnant with twins is something unheard of...

Chyanne's POV

Layken and I talked for a little while longer. About our parents and how they were gettting a divorce. About how our dad stayed as long as he could after I went missing before he had to go back to work or lose his job. She explained that all of the craziness of this stressed my friend Lucy out that she left in the middle of the night, but she called every so often to check in. My life just seemed to be full of drama, and love, and laughter. I'd give anything to be able to remember just the smallest bit of it.

Layken was going on about one Christmas from when we were younger when the baby monitor went off. Ryanne had woken up from her nap, and was making her tiny presence known. Lay got up and went to the nursery to sooth her daughter, and I took this opportunity to lean back in the chair and let everything soak in.

Walking along the beach, kicking the waves as they crashed upon the shore. I felt like I was being watched, but not in a creepy stalker way. It was comforting in a sense. The babies were kicking, letting mommy know that they were awake from their little nap. I lovingly rubbed my belly. I love my babies. I didn't even realize I was smiling until I heard his voice.

"You have an amazing smile Chyanne. You're just as beautiful as I remember you." The voice said. It was soothing, and deep, and I wanted to hear more of it. All I could see was a shadowy figure next to me. Face unclear, as if the sunlight was blocking it from me. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to focus my eyes on the man I can not see. "You know me baby, you have to." He said, touching my swollen stomach. The babies gave a good solid kick. "My boys." He said proudly.

Goosebumps traveled down my spine, and I loved it. His touch was warm, comforting, and loving. I longed for it, and I don't know why. "Brian?" I asked, confussion laced in my voice. "See, you do know me." I could hear the amusement in his tone. "Then why can't I see you?" tears welling in my eyes. I'm frustrated, I'm sick and tired of not knowing who everyone is. I just want to see his face. "I don't know angel..." His voice sounded distant. "Are you leaving me?" I asked, panicing slightly. I don't want him to go, I want him to stay with me. "Brian don't leave me!" I yelled. "I'm sorry Chyanne..."

And with that he was gone...the shadowy figure of the man I love...

"Me too, Brian..."

I jumped when a hand shook me from my slumber. "Chyanne? You ok sweets?" Matt asked, looking at me concerned. I cleared my throat, sitting up slightly in the chair. "Yeah, of course I am, why do you ask?" I looked up at him. "Because you were pouting in your sleep." He laughed a little. Layken rounded the corner with Ryanne in her arms, and Ryleigh on her tail. "Why don't you go take a nap, Chy. You look tired, and we're gonna take Ryleigh out to the ice cream shop down the road. You'll have the house to yourself." She said. That didn't sound like a bad plan at all. Other than the fact that I would have to climb those wretched stairs again. "I think I will." I smiled at her. "Y'all take your time, I'll be fine. Enjoy the day."

"We will, but you have our number if you need us ok? We wont be gone long." Matt said, in an overprotective big brother kind of way. I just smiled at him, and headed upstairs. I looked at the stairs, and then looked back at Matt. "You know, you should really have an elevator installed in this house." He just laughed and walked out the door. Ass.

I felt like I was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro! Screw these stairs, I hate them.

Finally making it back up to the room, I shut the door and climbed onto the bed. No matter what way I was laying I just couldn't get comfortable. I rolled over for about the thousandth time, and spotted the gigantic stuffed bear in the corner of the room. Maybe I just needed to cuddle with a stuffed animal like Ryleigh does...

I got the bear, and climbed back onto the bed, getting almost instantly comfortable. I don't even remember falling asleep.

Brian's POV

I've been avoiding everyone's calls for the passed few days. I just needed time away from all of them. Especially Layken. Every time I'm over there she has to bring up her damn sister. Can't she see that I don't want to talk about Chy-....her...

I wasn't planning on going over to Matt's today, but I ran out of things to do at my house, and all of my girls were busy at the moment, so I might as well go face the music. No doubt I'll probably get an earful from Layken about being an asshole, and not caring. Lately all her words are just slurring together.

I pulled my truck up outside and noticed Matt's SUV wasn't in the drive way. Awesome, I'll just have to stick out the wrath of Layken Tanner until he gets back. I climbed out of the truck, and just felt numb. This house holds so many memories of her...I can't even look at the yard without seeing her smiling face there. But she left me...she killed me.

I knocked on the door for about the fiftyith time. No one answered. I tried the handle and it was unlocked so I decided I should just let myself in. They shouldn't get mad, Jimmy does it all the time. It's abnormally quiet in this house. There's usually always some kind of catastrophy going on with someone. I did a quick look around the downstairs and couldn't find anyone. I think it's safe to say that no one is home.

I didn't even realize that I had climbed the stairs, and was standing infront of her door...

I can still smell her perfume...her sweet smell of coconut and pineapples.

I shouldn't care...She left me. She didn't leave a note or anything. Just fucking up and left. Layken said she searched the room top to bottom and didn't find any kind of note. She insisted that she just went missing. But I know she just left.

I know I left some stuff in here, and I need to get it back. Layken doesn't allow anyone in here so this is probably my only chance. I reached for the handle but hesitated.

Screw it.

I turned the knob, and pushed the door open.

My jaw dropped and I froze, my hand still on the door knob.

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