Chapter 4- The momemt my life changed.

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Chapter 4-

**Brian’s P.O.V**

I was happy for Layken and Matt honestly. But it hurt more than they could ever know. They get to be happy, and…and I would never get that. I would never have the normal, happy, apple pie life that I wanted with Chyanne, beings she left me. Didn’t I deserve at least a goodbye? See you later? Kiss my ass? Anything would have been better than her just leaving.

I looked around at all the happy faces and my gut twisted into knots. I felt as if I was going to be sick…or cry. I had to get out of here. I was trying to squeeze past Zack when Matt started speaking.

“We’re trying to decide who she looks more like.” He said, staring down at his new daughter. “Matt thinks that Ryanne looks like his mom…but I think she looks like my sister, Chyanne.” Layken said. I felt the air in my lungs catch and I felt like I had just been stabbed in the heart. “What do you think Brian? Don’t you think she looks like Chyanne?” She continued.

That was it. I had to leave or I was going to snap in a big way. “I wouldn’t know” I said lowly. “I haven’t seen her in months. Excuse me, I have to go.” I didn’t wait for anyone to reply before I was out the door. There was a slight slam behind me, and I felt a little better.

I got to the elevator to go down to the parking garage, when my phone went off. I look down at the caller I.D. Kareena. One of the girls that I’ve had…flings…with in the past few months.

I pushed the answer button. “Mmm, You have perfect timing. I need a distraction. In a big way…if you know what I mean.” I could hear the smirk in my own voice.

“I can help you with that. My place…twenty minutes?” She said, seductively.

“I’ll be there in ten.”

**Chyanne’s P.O.V**

“So…no one knows I’m coming with you guys?” I asked Jimmy and Alexa as I finished packing my bags. It took us about three days to get everything situated with the housing that I was living in. There was sooo much paper work that had to be filled out, and my medical information had to be sent to this doctor in Huntington. She now knows everything about my pregnancy and she’s taking over everything. I now have a new therapist there as well. I still have to see him or her twice a week for God knows how long.

“Well…I tried calling your sister but she’s not answering her phone. I’m about to call Matt…” Alexa said, picking her phone up again. “If he answers, tell him to keep his trap shut…she doesn’t need a billion people over there bombarding her with questions that she can’t answer…plus she needs time with Layken to herself.” Jimmy piped up. She just nodded, and walked out into the hallway.

There have been so many questions floating around in my head lately…I’ve asked them multiple times, but they keep saying I need to wait until I’m with my sister. I mean, they’ve told me some stuff, but nothing personal. The stuff I really want to know. Lexa says it’s because they don’t have the answers to give me…but I don’t know how much I believe. They started avoiding my questions right around when I asked if they knew my babies’ father. Their actions pretty much answered it for me.

“Hey Jimmy?” I asked, as I finished packing this last bag. “Yeah Chy, what’s up?” He looked at me inquisitively. “Umm…what if…what if they don’t like me? Or my babies…what if they don’t like my babies!?” I started to slightly panic. Jim walked up to me calmly, and wrapped me in his long arms.

“Chyanne, you honestly have NOTHING to worry about. Everyone is going to be ecstatic that you’re safe, and back home. Yes, it’s going to be a shock to everyone that you’re pregnant, but everyone is going to be happy for you, ok?” He said, grabbing my shoulders, and making me look at him. I simply nodded, not trusting my voice enough to say anything.

“Well, are we ready to go?” Alexa asked, walking back into the room, and grabbed her purse. “Yeah, we’re all packed here. Did you get ahold of Matt?” Jimmy asked, grabbing my last bag. “I did. He said they just got home with Ryanne, and Ryleigh will be home later tonight. I told him to not tell anyone else…so we’ll see how that goes.” She chuckled. “Alright, so we’re heading out!” Jim yelled, pumping his fist in the air. I stood up, and adjusted my sweater.

“Chy, you know, you may be five months pregnant with twins, but you can barely tell in that sweater, Ahahaha” Alexa laughed, linking her arm with mine. I just smiled as we left the building.

We got everything loaded into the truck and we set out on our way.

Our two hour drive ended up being more like three. The boys decided that the best place to ride, would be on my bladder, so we had to stop every fifteen minutes so I could use the bathroom…I felt like a burden to them, but they kept reassuring me I wasn’t.

Just as I was starting to get uncomfortable again, we pulled up to one of the prettiest houses I’ve seen.

Alexa turned to me in her seat, and met my eyes. I guess I must have looked nervous or scared because she placed a gentle hand on my knee. “Chyanne, honey, you’re home. Are you ok?” I took a deep breath. “J-just nervous I guess…” I breathed out. Jimmy came around and opened my door for me. “No time like the present baby girl. Are you ready?” He asked, extending a hand out to me. I grabbed it greedily, and laced my fingers with his. He lightly squeezed my hand in a way that reassured me that he would be there for me no matter what. I sent him a small smile, and headed up the steps to the front door.

I leaned into Jimmy, I felt as if I was going to faint or something. Alexa came up and stood on my right side. No one moved. Alexa chuckled, “so is anyone going to knock or something?” I just looked at her like, ‘uh, not me’. She chuckled, and Jimmy rang the doorbell. I felt as if we were standing there for hours, but it had honestly only been about three seconds.

Soon we could hear fast little footsteps heading towards the door, and the click of a lock as it’s being turned to open the door. I think my heart is literally about to beat out of my chest as I see the door crack open. There stands a little girl, maybe three years old, staring back at us with a shocked look on her adorable little face.

I had to strain to hear what she said, it was so quiet. The little girl had gasped, and it sounded like she said “la-la?”. But in the blink of an eye she was off, screaming at the top of her lungs for her mommy. I looked up at Jimmy, and he gave me a reassuring smile.

“Ryleigh, calm down honey, what is it?” I heard an older woman say. I assume it was the little girl’s mother…she rounded the corner with the little girl dragging her by her arm, and tightly holding on to another little bundle in her arms.

“Momma, look! It’s La-la!!” the little girl squealed. The woman stopped in her tracks, and looked up. Her blue eyes met mine, and she immediately paled a few shades.

“Ch- Chyanne?”

I knew at this moment my life had changed...again...

This must be my sister…

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