Promises Are Meant To Be Broken...

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Promises Are Meant To Be Broken-Prologue.


That was the only thing I saw when I woke up. I don’t know where I am, only that there is shuffling around me, and a faint beep of a machine.

The smell in the air was clean. Almost sickingly clean…Medicinal.

Hospital maybe…

My head hurts, and my mouth is dry. My eyes finally focused onto my surroundings. The dullness of the room confirmed that I was in fact, in a hospital.

I tried to turn my head, but a sharp pain shot through it. I reached up, and pressed my hand to the tender spot. I wish I wouldn’t have though. It only caused more pain.

The pain must have triggered something , because one of the machine’s beeping sped up, and a nurse ran in the room. She stopped dead in her tracks, when she saw that I was awake.

“Well, It’s about time you wake up! We were starting to think that you were going to be in a permanent coma.” She laughed out, checking all of the machines.

“W-where am I?” I croaked. My mouth was so dry, I’m surprised that even came out as clearly as I did. “Oh dear, you’re in Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles.” She said, enthusiastically, as she handed me a cup of water.

Why can’t I remember any of this?

I took a long drink of water, and felt the instant relief.

“What’s wrong with me?” I asked her. She looked at me sympathetically. “Well dear, you’ve been out for about a week.” She began. “You have some head trauma…you were hit pretty hard with whatever it was…” She sighed. “And…I don’t know if you knew before the accident, or not…but you’re pregnant. Around 10 weeks…”


“Is there anyone we can call dear? To come pick you up?” She asked me sweetly.

I thought and, thought…but nothing. “I-I don’t know…who am I?”

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