Chapter 5- It's ok, I'm scared too

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Chapter 5- It’s ok, I’m scared too.

**Alexa’s P.O.V**

Layken and Chyanne stood there, starring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Layken looked like a dam was about to burst behind her eyes, and Chyanne looked lost. Of course, she is lost…

Layken went to step towards her sister, and I saw Jimmy step forward from the other side of Chyanne. Lay thinks Chyanne remembers everything… “Layken, will you join me in the kitchen for a minute please?” Jimmy asked her, stopping her half way down the corridor. “But…Jimmy, can’t it wait?” She pleaded with him. I know she wants to hug the life out of her sister right now…but she can’t yet.

“No…it’s actually about your sister. And it’s very important…it’ll only take a second, love. Please?” He pleaded with her. She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. “Alexa, will you take Ryanne for me please?” She asked me, never taking her eyes off of Jimmy. “Of course” I replied, stepping forward, leaving Chyanne in the doorway for a second, so I could take the newborn from her mother.

When I had the baby in my arms, jimmy guided Layken into the kitchen, and Ryleigh didn’t hesitate to  usher Chyanne out of the doorway, and into the living room, screaming “La-la come play!”. The energetic three year old looked as if nothing could stop her in the world. Not understanding the severity of the situation and the fact that Chyanne doesn’t remember her…

**Layken’s P.O.V**

A range of emotions flooded me in the short time that they had been there. I’ve been waiting so long for this day to come. All I want to do is just wrap my arms around my sister and never let her go! A hand being waved in front of my face snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up into Jimmy’s eyes and I knew something wasn’t right. I’ve never seen Jimmy this serious, even when he’s writing…

“Layken…” he started, and took a big breath. “Jimmy, what is it?” I looked at him expectantly. “Ok, so I’m just gonna jump right in…When we found Chyanne, she didn’t remember us. She didn’t even know her name…She was calling herself Ryleigh. She still doesn’t remember anything, and she’s scared out of her mind” He said all in one breath. I felt like I walked into a brick wall. My sister doesn’t remember me?…any of us?…herself? “N-Not even Brian?” The words came out before I could stop them.

“No, she doesn’t remember anyone. She only remembers the things that have happened since she woke up in the hospital in Los Angeles” I felt my stomach fall when the words spilled from his mouth. “H-Hospital?! What was wrong with her?” I know it may have been a dumb question but I wasn’t thinking rationally… “She had severe head trauma…The doctor told her that she was hit but a blunt object, but she doesn’t know any more than that. There’s one more thing that you should know before you go in there.” He said quietly. I can’t imagine how scared she must have been waking up in a hospital all alone, not knowing who you are or where you’re from…I didn’t even realize I was crying until Jimmy reached up and brushed a tear off my cheek. I looked him in the eye and the words slipped from his mouth.

“She’s pregnant”

**Chyanne’s P.O.V**

Jimmy and Layken quietly walked into the living room where we were playing with Ryleigh. I don’t know what it is, but that little girl has me wrapped around her pinky so tight already. “La La, brush dolly’s hair or it’s gonna get messy!” Ryleigh said, pointing a tiny toy brush at me. I chuckled, and began brushing the doll’s hair.

Jimmy cleared his throat and spoke up. “Ry sweetie, I bet I can beat you up the stairs!” She immediately took off up the steps with him trailing after her quickly. “I’ll just follow them…make sure she doesn’t kick his ass” Alexa laughed nervously and left the room. It was just Layken and I in the room now…She clearly looked as if she had been crying, but I don’t blame her. We stayed in silence for what seemed like forever, before she spoke up.

“Umm…m-mind if I sit down?” She asked me nervously. I smiled weakly at her and nodded. She sat down next to me indian style. “I-I missed you…” she said, her voice fading off at the end. I didn’t know what to say. We sat there a little bit longer, just in silence, taking in the situation. “I’m scared Chyanne” she said louder this time. “I’m scared because I don’t know what to do for you, or for your baby.” She looked at me, her blue eyes meeting mine. “b-babies…” I said almost inaudibly. A look of confusion washed over her face…and then realization. “babies” she repeated.

They kicked at that moment. I think they were telling me that It’s all ok. Before I realized what I was doing, I reached out and grabbed her hand. “It’s ok…I’m scared too.” Something in that moment felt so right…I knew I would be ok. She squeezed my hand, and smiled slightly.

A door slammed open and laughter came from the front hallway. “Babe, I got the stuff for the barbeque!” A man yelled through the house. “Where’s Jimmy?!” another male voice followed. I just looked at Layken. She squeezed my hand telling me it was ok.

“Ok, I got beer, burgers, beer and mo-“ he cut off walking into the room with us. “Chyanne?” the tall tattooed man said. “Holy shit!” He came rushing at me. “Matt stop!” Layken stood up in between us. “I was just gonna hug her, I mean, she is my sister-in-law that’s been missing for three months” he said smartly. “She doesn’t remember us” By the time she said that, the other guy walked in the room holding the hand of a pretty girl. He stayed quiet and she just looked very confused. “What do you mean she doesn’t remember us?” the second guy asked. The Matt guy was just staring at me, and Layken said, “Exactly what it means Zack…she doesn’t remember us. She has amnesia…she doesn’t remember ANY of us” she emphasized ‘any’.

A quiet fell across the room, and everyone was just staring at me. I felt like I was standing on a stage, under a spot light, naked.

“Hi everyone….” I said nervously.

Here we go.

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