Chapter 3- Miracles DO Happen.

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Chapter 3- Miracles DO Happen

Ever since I found out that I was having more than one baby, everything seems to be going downhill fast. I lost my job, my boss totally gave me the whole ‘You’re a liability’ thing. Yeah right. I haven’t gotten any further in finding out who I am, and I just feel…lost. I mean, technically I am, but I don’t have anyone…The girl that I room with, has dementia and doesn’t remember me half the time. The only good thing that HAS happened to me in the last two months was finding out about the twins.

I’ve been spending the majority of my days at the beach. I don’t know why, but It just gives me a comfort that I can’t seem to find anywhere else. Just sitting on a blanket in the sand, watching the waves…it’s calming. Although I have a difficult time now getting up and down off the ground, it doesn’t stop me from going. I think the babies like being at the beach too, they become waaay more active when we’re here, than anywhere else.

I just wish that something would happen for the better before I slip into a state of depression.

I was looking out at the ocean, as the waves crashed upon the shore. One arm absentmindedly resting on my babies and the other, supporting me from falling over. My boys were going crazy, making it look like the t-shirt I was wearing over my bikini, was bouncing. I looked around an noticed that it’s starting to get more crowded, so I’m taking this as my cue to leave. I don’t enjoy being surrounded by a bunch of college students, that are drinking and being rowdy.

I was struggling to get up because of the beach ball sized lump under my shirt. I’m only five months pregnant and I look seven...perks of having two babies inside of me right? A shadowed figure fell over me.

“Do you need some help, beautiful?” some random guy asked me. I could use the help, even if I don’t know the guy. “Umm..yeah. Please?” I asked, winded a bit. “Of course” He said, rather quickly. He stuck his hand out, and I grabbed it, helping me pull myself up. As soon as I was up, I went to pull my hand out of his, but he didn’t let go right away. He was looking at me with a creepy smile, and I had the overwhelming feeling to vomit right then. “So, what’s a beautiful woman like you, doing at the beach all alone on this beautiful day?” He asked, obviously eyeing my chest. “I, uh, came for some peace and quiet, but that was ruined. But thanks for helping me, uhh…” “Alan! My name’s Alan.”

My babies were kicking me like crazy, and it was getting a bit uncomfortable. I rested a hand on my abdomen, and I’m pretty sure he could see the discomfort on my face. “Are you ok?” He asked me, placing a hand on my arm. I shrugged it off. “Yeah, my sons are just kicking me, that’s all.” I said, out of breath. “Oh, you’re pregnant?! Sweet! It’s like banging a fat chick now!” I looked at him appalled, and was about to say something not so nice, when someone bumped into this Alan guy, causing him to spill his beer all over me. I took my chance to dip into the closest store to hide from this creep, and buy a new shirt.

I walked around for about ten minutes before I bought the shirt. I hoped that that Alan guy had gotten bored, and moved on to some other innocent girl. I looked out the store window, and didn’t see the guy anywhere. My coast is clear!  

I was walking out the door, and putting my shirt in my bag at the same time. I really should have been paying attention to where I was going. I walked smack into a tall lanky body, and I could feel myself losing my balance, and falling. But an arm wrapped around me, keeping me from hitting the ground.

“Whoa! Sorry about that!” The person said, steadying me. “It’’s ok.” I smiled. I got a look at the guy. He was tall, with lots of tattoo, piercing blue yes, black hair. He had a huge smile on his face, but it fell as soon as he looked at me. He seemed to go a bit paler too…The blonde girl that was with him looked like she was about to start crying.

“Are y’all ok?” I asked quietly, taking a step back, and rubbing my belly.

The blonde girl spoke up…



Alexa’s P.O.V

I can’t believe it...This was just supposed to be a simple trip to L.A. for Jimmy and I, and here in front of me…is Chyanne.

My cousin. The person that everyone has been missing for the last 3 months…

“C-Chyanne…” I stuttered out. She looked confused. “Who? My name is Ryleigh…” She said. Jimmy piped up “Ryleigh? No, sweetie…your name is Chyanne…Don’t you remember?” “I-I don’t remember anything…” She said, quietly. Here we are, with Chyanne in front of us…and she doesn’t remember us.

“Who are you?” She asked, looking between Jimmy and I.

I went to say something, But was cut off by this dude… “Baby! There you are! I’ve been looking for you.” He said, grabbing Chyanne’s arm…She looked like she was fighting this guy. She yanked her arm out of his grasp, and yelled, “I don’t know you!” and stumbled back a bit. “Come on baby, don’t be dumb. Let’s go, and leave these…people alone.” The guy said, sneering at Jimmy. I saw Jimmy’s fist clench by his side.

“Dude, if my sister said she doesn’t know you, she doesn’t fucking know you! So leave.” Jimmy said, staring the guy down. “Oh yeah? How do I know she’s your sister, and you’re not just saying that?” Creeper guy said, full of attitude. Jimmy pulled out his phone.

“This, is a picture of my sister and I, four months ago at a party...” He scrolled down some, “This, is a picture of my sister and I covered in chocolate cake…” He scrolled down again. “And this, is a picture of my sister and I, and our niece Ryleigh.” He jammed the phone back in his pocket.

“Now, If I were you, I’d leave.” He said calmly, and turned back to Chyanne and I. The guy turned and left without another word.

Chyanne looked like she was about to cry. “Chyanne sweetie, what’s wrong?” I asked her, placing my hand on her arm slightly. She looked at me for a second and then to Jimmy. “A-are you really my brother?” She asked him. He took a deep breath...”No, I’m not…” He said, I cut him off. “But I AM your cousin, Chyanne.” A single tear escaped her eye. And then another, and another, until she was full on crying.

“Chyanne…what’s the matter, hun?” I asked her, pulling her close to me…and noticing something I didn’t before. She’s pregnant…

“I-I’ve been trying to find who I am…for so long…and here you are…the key to it all. You can h-help me, f-figure it all out. F-for me and the b-boys.” She sobbed. Jimmy looked confused for a second, and then his eyes fell upon her stomach. His eyes grew wide, and he looked at me. “Chyanne…we can take you to someone who can help you more than we can…we can take you to your sister…” I told her.

“R-really? My sister?” She said. “Yeah…your sister, Layken.” I smiled at her.

“Ok” was all she said. “I need to make a phone call though. Jim, wanna take her bag from her?” “Sure thing babe.” He smiled, and took it from her, hugging her in the process.

I walked a few steps from them, and held the phone too my ear. It rang about three times before the person answered.

“Hey Lexa, how’s your trip?”

“L-Layken? I have something to tell you…”

Layken’s P.O.V.

“L-Layken? I have something to tell you…” Alexa said quietly. She sounded a bit nervous. Matt looked at me, and must have seen my reaction, because he took my hand in his.

“What is it, Lex?”

“We, uh…I don’t know how to put this…umm…”

“Spit it out please…” I snapped a bit.

“Jimmy and I found Chyanne…In Los Angeles…But there’s a problem.”

I felt the air get caught in my throat, and a sharp pain in my abdomen. “Lay, baby, what’s wrong…” Matt said, worriedly. “They…they found her…” I said in barely a whisper. Matt froze.

Another sharp pain…and then it felt like I peed myself. “and my water just broke…”

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