Chapter 2- Unexpected Surprises. (:

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I Am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry it has taken so long for me to upload! I hope it's well worth it. Please let me know what y'all think!! Thanks-Krystin.

Chapter 2-Unexpected Surprises. (:

Layken’s P.O.V

It’s been two months.  Two months since my sister has gone missing. Two months since I lost my best friend. I feel like an empty shell, trying to live a happy life. I’m lying about my happiness to Matt, and I feel terrible about it. I know he knows I’m not happy… I just don’t want him to worry.

I know it’s not good for the baby, for me to be worrying and depressed all the time. I just…don’t know what to do. And every time I look at Ryleigh, I see Chyanne. I never realized how much she resembled her aunt, until she was gone. I want to be there for her, and Matt, and the guys, but I just know that I can’t give my all to them right now.

And Brian…don’t get me started on him. I can’t stand to be in the same room with him. He has a different whore on his arm, every night that he’s here, and acts as if Chyanne never existed. He claimed that he loved my sister more than anything in the world, but as he doesn’t say her name, and if anyone brings her up, he leaves. As soon as she wasn’t there anymore, he started sleeping around again. He became Synyster Gates. He’s no longer the Brian that we all knew.

And I hate it.

I was snapped out of my mini mind rant by a tiny voice. My girl.

I haven’t really been there for her through these past two months. For her being just 3 years old, she seems to understand that something bad happened. I looked down at her, and into her blue eyes. I could see that she wasn’t the same happy, little girl that she used to be. It broke my heart…

“Momma? W-when is La-la coming back from her vacation?” Ryleigh asked me, quietly. I quickly looked up, and shared a look with Matt who was sitting across from me on the couch. He opened his mouth to say something a couple of times, but just shut it again.

Neither of us knew how to go about answering her…We told her back when Chyanne went missing, that she went on a surprise vacation. She seemed to believe it at the time, but the longer Chyanne is gone, the more I can see it in Ryleigh that It’s eating away at her.

“Umm…We don’t know when she’ll be back Ryles, she went on a surprise vacation, so It’s going to be a surprise when she gets back.” Matt explained to our daughter. She seemed to be taking it in.

“Are her and Unka Brian gonna get back together when she gets back? ‘Cause I don’t like those ladies he’s with…” she said, scrunching up her face, and sticking her tongue out. Matt chuckled at her, “I don’t like them either, baby. And I don’t know if they’ll get back together. But that’s not something for you to worry about sweetheart. Why don’t you go play, huh? Momma and I need to talk.” He said, to our daughter. “Ok daddy!” She exclaimed, kissing us both on the cheek and running up to her room.

“Matt, what are we gonna do?” I asked him, absentmindedly rubbing my swollen stomach. “I don’t know, Lay…I don’t know.” He sighed, rubbing his face.

Our silence was ruined when a tall, lanky, body, slamming our door open.

“Good day! Where is your cheese whiz?” he asked while walking towards our kitchen. “Why do you need cheese whiz, Jim?” Matt asked him, giving him a funny look. “Body paint…” He said in all seriousness. Jimmy can always make me laugh. No matter what is going on around us.

“Body paint? Seriously Jimmy?” I laughed, and he cracked a smile. “No, not really. I’m taking Alexa to L.A. for the weekend, so we can have some fun that doesn’t involve STD infested whores, and we need snacks for the road.” He laughed. “Ohhh, you two have fun now.” I said, winking at him. “Matthew! Go get the cheese whiz!” Jimmy yelled at him. “hahaha, ok” Matt laughed and they went into the kitchen.

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