Chapter 7- Love Will Conquer All.

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Chapter 7- Love Will Conquer All.

Brian's POV-

A range of emotions flowed through me as I looked at the sleeping woman in the room. Relief, sadness, happiness...but most of all, anger. How could they keep this from me? How could they keep Her from me? I know I haven't been the best person in the past, but I don't think I deserved to be kept in the dark about her being here! I was screaming inside my head. My hands were shaking and I knew that if I didn't get out of there, then something bad would happen.

I slammed the door shut, and bolted downt the stairs. My blood was boiling, and I was just looking for something to take my agression out on. I picked up the lamp on the side table by the couch and threw it against the wall.

"Brian?!" Layken yelled, rounding the corner with the girls in tow. I glared at her so hard. If looks could kill she'd be dead. No doubt this was her idea, to keep her from me. "Don't you dare fucking come at me like I'M in the wrong, you conniving bitch!" Her jaw dropped to the floor, and Matt rounded the corner, face like thunder. "What did you just say to her?" He asked me lowly. "I think you heard me, Sanders." Both of us glaring at each other, neither of us wanting to back down.

"What the hell are you doing here, in my house, breaking shit?" Matt asked, walking towards me. "Don't fucking come near me! How could you do this to me!?" I yelled. "DO WHAT TO YOU?" He yelled back. Ryleigh was crying, hiding behind Layken, but I was too mad at the time to care.

"How long has she been here? The whole time? Were you guys keeping her from me on purpose?" I asked, my voice wavering slightly. "What?" Matt asked, dumbfounded. "Where. you. keeping. Chyanne. from. me. on. purpose?" "Brian, how'd you find out?" Layken asked quietly. "I walked into her fucking room, and she was asleep on the god damn bed!" I screamed at her. Ryleigh started crying harder. "Brian, please calm down. You're scaring her!"

"Ry-Ryleigh sweetie? Come up here with me."

Her voice rang in my head. How dare she...

Ryleigh ran to the stairs where she was standing. I turned slowly to look at her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked her, menacingly. "Who do you think you are, coming back here after all this fucking time?!" I screamed.

"I-I don't know..." She stuttered. I snorted. "You're pathetic." She placed her hand on her stomach, holding...a baby bump? "You're fucking pregnant?!" She visibly jumped at my outburst. "Who knocked you up, Chyanne? Some loser in a back alley? I should have known you were nothing but a whore! Just like your fucking sister!"

"HEY!" Matt yelled. I turned to glare at him, but his fist met my face, and everything went black.

Chyanne's POV


If this is the father of my babies, then I don't want him. Asshole.

I turned to my sister. "Lay...why did you lie to me?" She looked at me confused. "Lie about what, Chy?" "That he was sweet...that he was a great guy...He seems pretty fucking dickish to me." I didn't even realize that I was crying until Ryleigh pointed it out. "Chyanne, I never lied to you. He used to be that sweet guy I told you about. I also told you that things happened after you disappeared..." I just nodded slightly, and walked down the stairs.

I winced as a sharp pain shot through my abdomen. "Are you ok?" Lay asked me, seeing the discomfort on my face. "Y-yeah, just a cramp." "Ok, if it gets worse let me know, and we'll go to the hospital."

Matt picked Brian up off the floor, and laid him on the couch. "I'll go grab some ice." I offered. I just wanted out of that room, even if it was just for a second. The boys are quiet today. I guess they just don't like all the drama.

Well, that makes three of us. I grabbed the ice pack and headed back into the living room. I wanted to just drop the bag on his face, but thought about it and decided not to. If this was the man that I once loved, maybe he could be that again...but he has a lot to work on between now and then.

About thirty minutes after Matt put him on the couch, he started to move a little. Matt and Layken were on the other couch, and I was in the recliner catty corner from him. Alexa came and got the girls because they didn't need to be in the middle of who knows what is about to go down.

"*Groan*" He tried sitting up, but failed the first time. I didn't realize I was gripping the arms of the chair until my nails scrapped across the leather. "Why the fuck did you hit me?" Brian asked, turning to Matt. "Because you needed to calm down." "And punching your best friend is the way to do that?" Brian asked sarcasticly. "You were being very disrespectful to Layken and Chyanne. Now this isn't what it looks like Brian, so you're going to sit there and listen to what we have to say, or else you'll lose her forever. And so will we."

Brian just stared at Matt. "What do you mean you guys will lose her? She's right there!" His voice raising a few octives at the last part of his sentence. "Just shut up and listen, Brian, jeez! You don't know jack shit." Layken spat at him. "I know she left, got pregnant by some loser, and is now back trying to act like nothing happened." He said matter-of-factly.

"You're wrong." I said, making them all look at me. "Am I now? Well then enlighten me on what really happened Chyanne. Please, I'm dying to know where you've been." We stared at each other for about five minutes. "I don't know." I whispered. "Why do you keep saying that?!" "BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!" I yelled. Another sharp pain, shot through my belly. "O-ow"

"Chyanne? Are you ok?" My sister asked, concerned. I nodded, "I'll be fine..." She just looked at me for a second and then looked at Brian. "Bri, you have to listen to us. Chyanne didn't leave you. She didn't leave us. She doesn't remember us..." "How can she not remember us?" He asked. Matt cleared his throat. "Three months ago, she woke up in a hospital in L.A. with no memory of who she was, where she was from, or that she was pregnant. With your babies." He took a deep breath and continued. "When Jimmy and Alexa when on their trip, they didn't go looking for her, but stumbled upon her outside of a little shop on the beach. Three days ago they brought her home, and we've been doing everything to bring her memory back to her, but nothing is helping."

Brian looked as if he was letting it all soak in. I was fighting tears back, and I didn't know why. Probably just pregnancy hormones. It felt like forever before he said anything.

"I have to go." He said, and got up heading towards the door. That's it? After he was told the truth he's just going to leave? What about our babies?

"Brian wait!" I yelled, trying to climb out of the chair, but had a little difficulty. He just turned to look at me. His face showing quite a few emotions. He looked like he was about to cry, but he didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

"A-after all of're just going to leave? None of this was my fault, I don't know what happened, or why this happened, but it did. And there isn't any way to change it...I can see the hurt in your eyes...I may not have memories of us, but I can tell when someone is hurt." I wiped the tears from my face, and one rolled down his.

"I died the day you disappeared..." He whispered almost inaudibly. "I died, and I'm not sure if I can come back from that. I was ready to make a promise to you that i've never made to anyone else, and then you were gone...slipped right through my fingers." He was just looking around the room. Anywhere but at me.

"My doctor said there may be a chance...for my memory to come back. I just have to be surrounded with my old life...everything in my old life. That includes you, Brian. You're part of the key to getting back what you lost..." He just looked at me. He clearly has lost any interest in wanting me back. "I can see that the answer is no...Lay, Matt. I'll be upstairs."

I turned and went to climb those horrible stairs. As I was about to take that first step, I was spun around by my arm and my eyes met the most gorgeous brown ones. "I didn't say no, Chyanne." And with those words escaping his gorgeous mouth, I felt overwhelmed with joy, fear, and relief. "Thank you" I didn't receive a response, just him staring at me.

But out of no where he kissed me. It was a passionate kiss, full of hope and love. With that kiss, I knew this was the man I was in love with. I know we still have a long road ahead of us, but I know things will be ok.

Even if I never regain my memories. I'll just have to make new ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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