NEW OVEN (Ottava Rima)

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Author Note: This is a Ottava Rima Poem. It consists of eight iambic lines, usually iambic pentameters. Each stanza consists of three rhymes following the rhyme scheme abababcc and if a second octave is used dededeff and ghghghii so on. Each line consists of eleven syllables though English poets sometimes use ten (I didn't).

A tradesman arrived to replace the oven.
No apology given for being late.
Waiting to bake biscuits by the dozen.
Such a silly Billy he didn't shut the gate.
Off after the dog I go with my cousin.
Out searching the streets untill much after eight.
No biscuits were baked giving us belly aches.
No time then to rest and watch falling snow flakes.

Thanks for reading my Ottava rima poem.
Trusting your not one of the silent readers.
That you'll click the star not leaving it alone.
Shouting out to both followers and leaders.
After leaving comment; not being a gnome!
Because one day, we all hope words may feed us.
So once again my thanks are given to you.
Hoping you enjoy the rest of the book too!

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