Just Imagine: Devin❤️

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You and your boyfriend Devin have been together for over a year and he knows that your mom has had cancer for a little over 9 months. You guys were at your moms house since your parents are divorced. You were watching TV with your fine hunk of chocolate thunder. You look up at him and just smile. He looks down at you and says, "what". You reply "nothing your just really cute". He says giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Y/N your just really cute too". Starting to get a little tired even though it was 2pm you lay on Devin's shoulder. Falling asleep for about 2.5 seconds you a get a phone call from your dad. "Hey pops what's up?" you say. He replies "Y/N?" "Yeah?" you say. "Your mother is dead". "WHAT!?!?" you say. "Your mother is dead" he says again. "Her heart gave out and once we heard the death gurgle, we knew she was gone." "Is Devin with you?" he asks. "Yes" you say starting to cry. "I'm so sorry baby, I'll be over to see you soon, I have to go the doctor is coming back." You hang up and whip your phone to the ground in rage. "Y/N?" Devin says. Slowly turning around so your not facing the stairs anymore you look at him and shrug your shoulders, as if there was no reason to be crying. With tears starting to run down your face you turn back to the stairs and walk up them slowly. "Y/N?" Devin says once more. You turn around at the top of the stairs and say, "she's gone, she's gone" trembling as you say it. You walk into your room climb into your bed and pull the covers over your whole body. "Oh my god" you hear Devin whisper a little to loudly as he's walking up the stairs. He slowly opens the door and then shuts it. Climbs into your bed so that your back is facing him. "Y/N" Devin says. "What" you say balling your eyes out. You turn over so your looking at Devin. The rough blur that you see wipes away your tear saying "it's ok baby, you know your mom loves you. She's looking down on her beautiful little angel as we speak. I'll be here every step of the way through your grief. No matter if we stay in bed all day or we go somewhere that makes you happy." You say, "Devin please you don't want anything to do with me, I'm now just finding a pathetic excuse for you to be around me 24/7." "Babe I love you so much, why wouldn't I want anything to do with you. I'm not gonna leave you here alone. I love you too much to see you in so much pain alone." He pulls you in close so your pretty much cradled in his arms. As he pecks your nose he says, "Baby girl I love you, no matter what I'm never leaving your side through this."

(Sorry it was so long but honestly I started putting so much thought into it I started putting it in my perspective😁😂)

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