Just Imagine: Devin❤️

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It's Friday and today is the big day. The Champion ship football game. Devin's the quarter back and also the captain of the team. And your head cheerleader. You walk into school by yourself and see Devin at his locker. "Hey Dev" you say. He replys,"hey babe" giving you a kiss on the cheek. Then you here someone yell "GOALS" and everyone in the hallway starts laughing because everyone thinks you guys are the power couple. "Ready for the game?" you ask Devin as you guys walk to your first period. "Yeah" Devin says.

Skip to the football game

It's almost 5pm when the game starts and your with the other cheerleaders waiting for the game to start. Since the coach knows you and Devin are dating he called you over. (btw calls you by your last name) "HEY Y/L/N!" the coach yells. "Yes coach?" you say waking over to him. He replys "where's Devin?" Replying you say, "I don't know coach but I will go find him". You checked in the school, bathrooms, under the bleachers and still couldn't find him. There's this random little semi-circle cave and you decided to look there. You stopped at the front of the cave thing, out of breath, with your blue and yellow pom poms. You seen a kid with a curly hair's shadow an knew it was Devin so you walked over to talk to him.

Your convo
Y/N- "hey coach is looking for you"
Devin- (didn't answer)
Y/N- "what's wrong"
Devin- "my team is counting on me and I'm afraid we're not gonna win because of me"
Y/N- "hey hey hey it's ok Devin. Don't beat yourself up about this. Even if the West High Bears don't win that doesn't mean we didn't try"
Devin- "thanks y/n that really make me feel better. God what would I do without you, my little cheerleader"
Y/N- "I don't know but I have to go. Play for me like I know you would. I'll be cheering you on."
Devin- "I love you my little cheerleader"
Y/N- "I love you my quarter back"

You guys kiss passionately and look each other dead in the eyes. Devin taps your nose making you giggle and smile. "5 minutes until the game. If coach doesn't see you out there he's gonna lose it" you say to Devin. After you said that you run out of the cave with your long hair flowing with the wind. You leave Devin thinking out loud, "man what would I do without her. She's my everything and she's so cute it her cheer uniform and pom poms. Now Devin your gonna go out there and play for you cheerleader just like she said, weather we win or lose. God I love her so much." 2 minutes later you see Devin running on the field. He winked at you and that made you smile. After the game you guys took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

The caption
"The West High Bears won💙💛 (btw I like the quarterback...alot😏😍💘)"

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