Commence the Plan

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"Did I lie good, Gabe???" Cas asked Gabriel once they got to their own motel. "Yup! I never thought you'd be that good!" Gabe smiled, and patted his angel brother's back. "You have to be that good when it comes to the real deal, though, got it?" Gabe had never talked to someone like this. By this, I mean friendly-like.

"OK, Gabe! It's actually very fun and nice when you're lying for a good reason! Unlike all those other times...." Castiel trailed off. "Well... This just got awkward!" Gabriel said, trying to lighten up the mood. "Let's just get back to the plan, 'kay, Cassie?"

"OK, Gabe."

"Well, after we're done waiting for them to leave, we're probably gonna have to take off our shirts. Unless you're OK with ripping your shirt. Anyways, after all that shirt shiz, we just have to wait until they get back, then we can flaunt off our wings. Sound good?"

"Yes. But I have one question. When are we doing this? Because I have... angel things to attend to, this Saturday." Castiel asked, sounding worried. "Uh huh," Gabriel raised his eyebrows, unconvinced. "And what must you attend, Cas? Last I checked, the only "angel thing" you had to tend to, was watching Dean sleep!" Castiel immediately shut up, and started fiddling with his trench coat.

"And to answer your question, we're doing this tomorrow." "What??? Why so soon?? I won't be able to practice the way i'm going to announce myself, or groom my wings, or look better than you!!! " This offended Gabe, so he stopped talking. "I sense discomfort, did I do something that wasn't to your liking, Gabriel? I apologize, if I did." Oh, how innocent and naive he is... Gabriel thought to himself, as he remained silent. Not to mention a great big bag of dicks!!! As Gabriel was silently fuming, Castiel was busy getting prayers from Dean.

Cas... What was that back there? All that "You wouldn't understand" talk, and then you and Gabe just up and leave, got Sam all sad. Don't ask me why, but he is. When are you coming back, anyways? It better be soon, 'cause me and Sam got a case tomorrow, and i'm pretty sure we're gonna need you and your angel mojo. Bring Mr. Trickster if you want, I don't care. Night, lo-- never mind. Later.

I should decline Dean's invitation, right? How, though? Maybe I should just ask Gabriel to do it for me? No, I don't think that would be wise... He seems frustrated as of right now... I'll just put it off until tomorrow. That's what Dean would do, anyways.

Breaking Castiel out of his thoughts, Gabriel said goodnight. "But we don't sleep, Gabriel. We're angels." Castiel stated, confused. "Well, then, i'll lay in bed with my thoughts!" Gabriel snapped.

"I'm sorry, Gabe..."

"It's alright..." Gabriel sighed. "Sorry."

"I love you, Gabe. Good night. Sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite. Although, i'm almost positive your bed does not have any bugs in it. I would have sensed them, already."

Gabriel stood, shocked. He'd never heard those words said to him before, but it sounded nice. He chuckled, amused that an angel had said it. Angels were supposed to be emotionless, soldiers. Not "I-love-you-saying", gay, basically humans.

"I love you too, Cassie. Night."

Next Day...

"Cas... You awake?" Gabriel asked, although he already knew the answer. "Yes, Gabe. I'm an angel, remember?" Castiel asked, voice laced with sass ( rhymed.. -3-). "Oh.... OK. We need to head to the Winchesters'. "

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