The Plan Part 3

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Peter Mason was an extremely light sleeper and living alone in a large decaying house combined with severe paranoia did not help. His house was old, unkempt and in serious need of refurbishment and after years of living alone he had convinced himself that on some nights he could hear the dead.

During the winter the wind caused the doors to bang and creak and sometimes when it blew through the cracks in the walls it sounded like dead children screaming and howling.

He soon realised that it was dead children screaming as Peter was sensitive to the 'other side'. He slowly became aware after his wife left him and he lost his bakery. He began to notice that objects disappeared, not in front of his eyes and he would eventually find them but they were never where he had left them. Doors and windows would open and slam on their own, taps would turn themselves on and once his bathroom even flooded even though he had not showered in days.

Lately his house was now always cold and he always felt chilly no matter how many fires he lit or how many of layers of clothing he wore.

As time passed his supernatural experiences increased, he would see something or someone move out of the corner of his eye, occasionally at first but now he thought he saw something, someone on a daily basis. He would often smell bubble gum or hear dozens of footsteps running through the hall way and lately something or someone trying to hold his hand.

On the morning of his death he heard children crying and he was almost sure he heard someone say his name along with a warning. He heard them whisper "the demon is coming don't let him in."

Wails and creaks often woke him, the feeling someone was in his room watching him or someone was sitting on his bed. The sound, though, that woke him tonight was different and it was the sound of breaking glass. His eyes shot open as he heard it, he sat bolt upright when the windows hinges creaked as it was forced open and he stood up to grab the cricket bat he kept by his bed as he heard the shattered glass begin to crunch.

The glass was crunching because someone was walking on it, someone was inside his house.

He was greeted by darkness as he opened his bedroom door not even the full moon, hidden by dark clouds could shed any light. He stepped into the hallway and held the bat high into the air.

"Who's there?"

Only silence answered him.

However he knew in his gut that someone was there.

"I don't have anything worth stealing so you'd better scarper before I call the police."

"Actually you have two things I really need," a voice from within the darkness said.

Peter patted his hand along the wall desperately trying to find the light switch.

"Let me help," the voice said and immediately a dim light lifted the darkness and left Peter looking at a dark silhouette standing at the end of hallway.

"Get out," Peter shouted brandishing the bat at the unwanted intruder.

"I need a roof over my head and something to eat."

"Find it elsewhere, get out of my house."

"Last chance," the intruder replied.

Peter shook his head, "out I told you."

Peter screamed as the intruder walked forward into the light.

"You are the demon," he whimpered as he surveyed the intruder's black eyes, his transparent skin and as he walked further forward towards Peter he grinned, an evil grin much wider than seemed possible and his evil smile exposed four sharp pointy teeth.

Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'Staying Human'Where stories live. Discover now