You're in?

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"Taste this for me." Stevie scooped up some sauce with a spoon and held it up for Robert. 

"It's good." He wiped off his lips, then pressed a kiss to her forehead. "My little housewife."

"You don't have to point out the fact I'm a dwarf every single day." She went back to stirring the pot, as he leaned against a kitchen counter. 

"You're right. I could ask you about the meeting with Lindsey, which you have ignored so well for the past two days."

"Can we do this after dinner?"

"Why are you avoiding talking about it?"

"I'm just not sure how you'll react and I don't want to ruin the meal."

"Fine." Robert said and pushed himself forward, turning to leave the kitchen.

"Are you angry at me now?"

"No." And he still left after that.

Stevie took a deep breath, forgetting about the boiling pasta and the spattering tomato sauce for a minute. Why was she hiding this? She was going to tell him anyway. Was it really her being afraid of his reaction or was it that she was hesitating about committing to what Lindsey proposed?

"Robert, honey? Dinner is ready." It was silent and Stevie listened to know if he was coming at all.

But he appeared in a couple of minutes and sat down at the table, not saying anything. She sat opposite from him, unable to stand the tension. She was so not used to it in their relationship, it worried her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore I went out with Lindsey and I'm not hiding anything from you. I simply can't be sure what you'll say when I tell you, I wouldn't want it to cause any arguments between us." Stevie explained, in hope to get Robert to talk to her again.

"You don't have to apologize, I overreacted. But it's weird to me when you're keeping something to yourself. We've been nothing but honest with each other and I don't want that to change. That's partly the reason why we're so good together, I personally think."

"Lindsey asked me to tour with him." She outed with it at last, as if it was some dirty secret. She had no idea why she felt this way. "Like Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, not like Buckingham Nicks. He does his set, I do mine, we tour the States and then say goodbye."

"Well, was it really that hard to tell me right away?"

"It shouldn't have been."

"Exactly. Stevie, this is your career. You can do whatever you want with it, I can't tell you yes or no, do this or the other, or don't do it at all. I can simply express my opinion."

"When you say it like that it makes me think that you don't want me to go."

"Of course I don't, I don't want you to leave for any of the tours you do; solo, Fleetwood Mac, with one of your ex's... And you know why? It's not because I'm jealous or because I think, something will go terribly wrong while we're apart, but because I love you and it's not easy to be separated from you. But I always feel that way, whether you tour the world or you go for your nail appointment. So, if you ask me, that decision is completely up to you and I'll support you either way."

"Do you even know how incredible you are?" Stevie loved how everyone mostly saw Robert as this bad boy, this rebellious rocker, while in truth, he was the sweetest most loving guy she had ever met. Most importantly he was hers.

"You expected me to get mad? To say, absolutely not, didn't you?"

"Honestly, yes."

"And that's because you'd be doing this tour with Lindsey?"

"That's a yes as well... God, I'm so sorry I thought you'd get like that, I should have known better, I do know better! I know you. I've been with you long enough to know what kind of person you are and you're so unlike anyone else I'd been before. I just prejudged your reaction and I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay, I sort of get it. But so you know, you don't have to be afraid to tell me things. I'm your partner, I'm here to help you and support you, and love you."

"I know, I know... I'm just... Ugh... I've blown this whole thing so out of proportion!"

Robert reached for her hand, squeezing it as he smiled at her lovingly. "Forget about it. It's nothing."

"I will be doing it though."

"I know and that's great. You've wanted to get out on the road, so here's your chance. Besides, who else would be a more perfect fit other than your musical partner for over forty years?"

"I should call Lindsey to let him know. Not talking to you, also made me keeping him in the unknown too."

"Right, you go do that and I'll reheat dinner. It's gone cold."

"Sorry for that too!" Stevie laughed lightly, exiting the kitchen. 

She picked up her phone from the coffee table in the living room and dialed Lindsey's number. He answered on the first ring and it was obvious he was expecting to hear from her any minute.

"Hi, Linds. Sorry I kept you waiting."

"Hi yourself and it's no problem. Unless you say no, then we have a problem."

"No, no, nothing like that. I just talked to Robert and he said he supports whatever decision I make, so... When do we meet to discuss logistics?"

"You're in?"

"Of course I am."

"How does tomorrow sound?"


"I'll come over around noon?"

"I'll be waiting."

Stevie hung up and exhaled heavily, closing her eyes for a second. Now that she made up her mind for sure, she was finally getting excited about it. She couldn't wait to see what this little arrangement of theirs would bring and mean to them.

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