Are you asking me to leave?

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The following couple of days weren't easy, Stevie barely got any sleep as she kept thinking about what she talked to Lindsey about. Part of her hoped he would actually say no to her, that he couldn't walk out on his children, who still needed their father present as much as possible, but the other, the bigger part prayed he would say yes, that he loved her and he would do everything he could to finally come back to her.

The thought of Robert only made her feel worse, he didn't deserve this from her. It wasn't like their relationship was meaningless. Quite the opposite. They'd been together for nearly five years now, they had a home together, they were to get married. If anything, this was the perfect relationship, certainly the best she had ever been a part of. Losing him as a partner, she was also losing a wonderful friend. Lindsey never treated her as one, she was either his woman, his mistress or a band mate; a friend thing never worked out for them.

Stevie still wasn't sure whether she was doing the right thing, but getting older, she didn't want to settle for just anything. Being the eternal romantic that she was, she truly believed she would end up with the man she had loved her entire life. So, she chose to believe him too. She decided to trust Lindsey, that sooner, hopefully, rather than later he was going to ask Kristen for divorce.

Arriving at the venue for their second show, Stevie tried to leave all the negativity behind her, put a smile on her face and start enjoying the experience. She greeted the crew members that she met on her way to the dressing room, where her hair stylist was already waiting. Nearly two hours later, Stevie had her hair and makeup done, as Karen came in, saying it was sound check time.

When she stepped onto the stage, Lindsey was just putting away his guitar. He didn't see her, so she came up behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders, as she rose on her tiptoes and whispered... "Hey you."

"Hi." He turned around smiling, pulling her into a hug. "You seem to be in a lot better mood."

"I am. I thought I would just leave it all behind me and enjoy what we're doing here."

"Good thinking." Lindsey nodded, stroking her back, before they separated from their long embrace. "Well, I'm going to leave you for now. See you later."

Stevie gave a small nod too, and waited until her microphone was put in place instead of Lindsey's. Only a couple of songs later, Stevie was going back to her dressing room, surprised to find Lindsey there, obviously waiting for her.

"Your later isn't that much later."

"I wanted to see how you're really doing. You've not changed your mind, tell me you haven't?"

"No, Lindsey. Everything remains what we spoke about. But I would appreciate if you didn't bring it up constantly, we both know what's going on, so... Let's just go back to living our lives, okay?"

"I'm just afraid you'll wake up one morning and you won't want me anymore."

"I can promise you that will never happen, I've wanted you for the past forty plus years." She smiled a little, making him do so too. "I should probably get dressed."

"Are you asking me to leave?"

"I, um... I don't know. You know how I am about my body."

"I do, you're silly about it." Lindsey said, making himself more comfortable on the couch.

"Honestly, Linds, you're married to a thirty something year old and I'm going to be sixty."

"So what? Are you hiding from Robert like this too?"

"Well, no... but he didn't come in with any expectations."

"Steph..." Lindsey sighed, standing up, as he took a few steps towards her. "You've been the most beautiful woman to me since I was sixteen. If anything, I always compared other women to you and let me tell you - none of them came even close." She lowered her eyes from his shyly, but he tilted her chin up again. "You are beautiful."

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