Talk to me

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The time flew by, all the dates they had booked were nearing the end, as only the very last show was left. A lot had happened, some of it wonderful, some of it heartbreaking, but most of all, two people fell in love with each other again. They understood it was wrong, so wrong and they knew just how many people were going to be hurt by it, but they couldn't take it any longer. Both Stevie and Lindsey realized that for her to be living each day, thinking of Lindsey as her husband, and for him to be wishing he could turn back time and never ever have made the mistake of looking at Kristen twice, wasn't right. Things had to change, they couldn't keep living this lie anymore. 

Arriving at the last concert, everyone was feeling bittersweet. There was the excitement about coming home and seeing their families for every member of Stevie and Lindsey's bands, but the tour was also a lot of fun and it was so different from, say, Fleetwood Mac, clearly not as grand, but nevertheless great and important.

Once her makeup was applied and hair styled, Stevie thought of going to see Lindsey, but then she stopped, thinking to herself that she was going to lose it, she would end up crying and when the showtime came, she would be all jittery and the concert would suffer. Instead she sat down, ripped a page out of her journal and took a pen to write him a letter. She was going to give it to him and ask him not to read it while they were still together, as she knew it would bring all of his emotions to surface as well.

When Lindsey was finally on stage and halfway through his set list, he looked down at it written down and taped to the floor and smiled, looking over the crowd before speaking. 

"I wanted to thank you all so much for being a part of this, it's been very good in many ways and I also would like to thank my partner in crime... Without Stevie these few months wouldn't have been half near as fun as they have been. It sort of brought us back to how we were when we were just starting out, playing in small clubs and it was really about us, this tour we did felt the same way, to me at least. I only wish we would have done it a lot sooner, but hey, better late than never. Or maybe it's good we waited this long, maybe this was the time. Anyway, thank you Stevie, for agreeing to my idea and joining me on the road, it's been an absolutely blast and... and I love you, thank you. Dedication isn't exactly needed, but this is Stephanie and it's for you."

He didn't know, but she was watching his set from the wings, away from others, enjoying every second, as she even teared up a little by what he said. 

After Lindsey was done, he was walking off stage and he felt someone pull at his arm. He was alarmed for a mere second, before he felt those unmistakable lips press against his own. Good thing it was too dark for someone to see. 

"You were incredible." Stevie said, as they stood embracing each other. 

"And I know you will be incredible too." Lindsey smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead, before letting go, knowing she was going to be told to go onstage in minutes.

It wasn't because she felt obliged to do it now that Lindsey dedicated a song for her, but it was time for Landslide and it was her dedication song. She didn't have anyone better in mind. 

"This next song..." She started. "It was written many many years ago, but I absolutely adore it and I will never get tired of singing it. I also like to dedicate every time to someone special to me and I can't think of anyone else, who would hold such dear place in my heart, as Lindsey does. We've had our ups and downs, I know we will always find something to disagree on, but I do love you, you've been there for me, you've been my best friend no matter what we've been going trough, you've helped me so much, you've supported me and you continue to do so. I hope we're around to annoy each other for many years to come, I simply can't imagine life without you. I love you and I thank you. I dedicate this song to you. It's called Landslide."

It didn't even occur to her, she said she loved him more than once. She wasn't bothered what people would make of it, but she needed to say it, she needed him to know that she did love him and so deeply, that she was there waiting for him and she was begging him to finally find his way back to her.

After taking the very last bow and accepting letters, flowers and such from the audience, Stevie waved at the people who had gathered and smiling widely, left the stage, feeling as if she was going to burst into tears any second now. Emotions were running high and it was getting harder to control them. 

Lindsey wanted to see her, but he knew she would be surrounded by Karen, Sharon and Lori, so he chose not to interfere. After all, it was the last night they had to hang out as well, which still left him a little disappointed; he hoped they could spend one more night together.

The following morning, black SUV's arrived at the airport, where a private jet was waiting for the two bands. As everyone boarded the plane, they started reminiscing already. Stevie chose to stay away from that, keeping to herself at the back of the small plane, curled up under a blanket, watching out the window. She felt someone sit down, so she turned to look, smiling weakly at Lindsey. 


"Hey." She replied.

"May I join you?"

"You've already joined me, no?"

"Under that." He pointed at the comforter and she nodded. Lindsey tucked it around both of them and laced his fingers through her, holding her hand, almost making her cry. "Talk to me." He whispered.

"I don't want to say goodbye." She quickly caught a sole tear that escaped.

"We're not, you know that. Things will be very different and soon."

"I can't believe anything until it happens, Lindsey. It's not that I don't trust you at all, but you've made promises before..."

"Please, don't." He squeezed her hand. "Everything will work out, I know it will."

They didn't talk after that until the flight was over and they touched down in Los Angeles. After the final goodbyes, everyone went their own way, the last two to separate were Stevie and Lindsey. Having made one more promise and given a kiss, he pulled back, cupping her cheek, as he brushed his thumb against her skin. That was their farewell.

Lindsey felt strange, when he arrived back home. It was going to be completely different to go in now, than what it was when he left. He was still thinking of a way to break it to Kristen and he wasn't very successful. She wasn't just anyone, no she was the mother of his three children and his wife for years. But then he pictured Stevie's face at the airport, when they said goodbye, and he knew he had to man up. 

He was met by his children the second Lindsey stepped through the front door, pulling all of the little Buckinghams into a group hug, as he smiled big, listening to his kids say how much they had missed him. Then he looked up and saw Kristen, waiting to be greeted as well.

"It's been forever!" She said, hugging him tightly, then kissing him on the lips. "I've missed you so much, we all have."

"I've missed you too, guys." Lindsey stood, still hugging his wife around her middle, Will, Leelee and Stella jumping from joy to have their father back, even their dog barking and wagging its tail, welcoming him.

After all, could he break this up?

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