This is...

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Stevie and Lindsey had been on the road for over a month now, they were also sharing a bed for the same amount of time. Literally. In every city, they would book one room for the two of them, not caring to explain themselves to their assistants or band members/friends. At first, certainly more than once, Karen tried reminding Stevie she was engaged to another man, but she would simply block it out. Her slightly judgmental, yet trustworthy, assistant stopped bothering, once that engagement ring was off Stevie's finger and around her neck on a silver chain. 

Far away from home, it was easy for the two lovers to imagine there was no one else besides them. What they had going on between them, they didn't think of it as an affair, they were just together, sort of. It couldn't be said, that Lindsey wasn't emotionally invested or that he didn't love Stevie, but she was the one falling deeper with each day. She refused to think of what's next, she focused on here and now.

She smiled lazily, feeling him pressed up against her back, kissing her shoulder first, before he brushed her hair aside and his lips touched her neck. "That's a lovely way to be woken up."

"That's a lovely way to woke someone up." Lindsey said, loosening his grip to allow her to turn in his arms. "Good morning." He kissed her awaiting lips, as she then snuggled up to him, protectively wrapped in his embrace.

"I'm glad we don't have a show tonight, we can stay in bed for the rest of the day, order room service, watch bad TV and make love." Stevie mumbled into his chest.

"I couldn't possibly say no to that." 

But their plan didn't last for too long, as they both groaned at the sounds of a knock on the door. "Karen?"

Stevie shrugged. "Not sure what she might need from me at this hour and on a day off."

"I'll go check."

"No, stay." She said as if her sixth sense had kicked in at perfect timing. Grabbing her silk robe on the way, Stevie walked to the door barefoot and twisted the doorknob, nearly gasping out loud, when she saw who it was. "Ro-Robert?"

"Hey, gorgeous." That soothing beautiful British accent reached her ears and she was close to fainting. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you, is that alright?"

"Well, I'm definitely surprised." Stevie was more shocked than anything, as she let him in at last. "Um... How did you find out where I'm staying?" 

"Karen. She told me which hotel, I found out the room by myself. You just woke up, haven't you?"

"I... yeah, yeah, just." 

"We haven't seen each other for six weeks, don't I deserve a kiss at least?"

She stepped up to him, only giving him a brief kiss. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"What's this?" Robert frowned, taking the ring in between his fingers, that hung around her neck. "The last I remember, you were wearing it on your hand."

"I-I, um... Yes." Think, think, think! "Lori and I, we were out and about, we came across this jewelry store and I wanted to try all these rings, so I put the one you gave me around my neck, so I wouldn't lose it and then I guess I forgot about it. Here..." Stevie undid the small clasp on the chain and took the engagement ring off it, handing it to Robert. "I think it's only appropriate, don't you?" She hoped her smile charmed him enough, so he would drop it, after he slid the piece of jewelry back on her finger. "Say, how about I get dressed and we go down for breakfast?"

"I was going to suggest that, sure." 

"Good, then wait here a minute, I'll be quick."

"Can't I go with you?"

"Um... The bedroom is a mess! And besides, you don't want to watch me pee, do you?"

"I suppose I can do without that." Robert shrugged, sitting down in the living area, while Stevie rushed to the bedroom, breathing a sigh of relief, seeing as Lindsey was smart enough to go into the bathroom. She locked the door, apologizing in a hushed tone. "I had no idea he would just show up like that! Linds, I'm so sorry. Our plans are obviously ruined now and we're going to separate for at least today I'm sure, and-"

"Slow down, baby." He put his hands on her shoulders, showing her to take deep breaths. "It's fine. You didn't know." He pulled her into a short hug. "Boy are we playing with fire here..."

Stevie nodded, a worried look on her face. "We're going out for breakfast. If you don't mind, book another room? I'm sure we'll be coming back here together later."

"I'll do that, I'll get my stuff out of here too."

"I don't know what he'll want to do tonight, if he's staying for the show tomorrow, so we probably won't see each other until then..."

"It's okay, Stevie. It is." Lindsey smiled reassuringly, kissing her. "Now, get ready, we don't want him to start getting suspicious."

In record time, Stevie was dressed and ready to be seen in public, as she took Robert's hand, when they headed out of the room and to the elevators, going down to the restaurant. 

"So, how's it going? The tour? You haven't been calling me much." Robert started off.

"I'm the worst, forgive me. It's just... it's been busy. Everything is going good so far, but we have another month ahead of us." Stevie sipped her coffee, after replying. 

"How are things with Lindsey? You two getting along?"

"Yes, yes we're fine. You know, we find things to argue about, always have, but it's just fine in general." She forced a smile. "And you? Not been too lonely, have you?"

"I do miss you, but the idea to go back to recording was great, it keeps me occupied."

"Right." All of a sudden, they had nothing to talk about and Stevie hated that. She could see Robert was a little hurt, he came out all the way to see her in Nashville and she couldn't even engage him in a proper kiss and now they seemed more like two friends catching up on work, rather than an engaged couple. "Are you staying until the show tomorrow night?"

"If that's okay with you."

"Of course it is, I hoped you would. It has been those six weeks after all."

"I hope you didn't have any plans or..."

"No, no I was just thinking of staying in bed all day, being lazy." With Lindsey...

"Maybe we could do something then?"

"Maybe." She nodded with a sigh.

Coming back to the suite, Stevie had her fingers crossed Lindsey was out of there by now. How could she explain if he wasn't? Somewhat carefully, she pushed the door open and it was deathly quiet, as she breathed a sigh of relief - they were alone. 

"What do you say to burning off some of those calories we just ate?" Robert said suggestively, wrapping his arm around her waist, his lips instantly pressing to her neck. 

"I would say, absolutely." She smirked, leading him to the bedroom.

They fell on the bed, Stevie getting on top, as she started undoing buttons on his shirt. "So, you say you missed me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, gyrating her hips only a little. 

He didn't respond with words, putting his hand on the back of her neck, meshing their lips together, as he rolled her onto her back. He then slowed down, his hands by her sides as he hovered above her. He cocked his head to one side, also catching something unfamiliar... or was it?

"What's this doing here?" Robert got off her, reaching for a necklace on the nightstand, with an unmistakable jade rock for a pendant. "Stevie?"

"This is..."

"Lindsey's." He finished the sentence for her. "I've seen him wearing it more than once. So, either you got an identical copy for whatever reason or he left it behind, in your bedroom." He saw her looking as guilty as never before, as she sat up, avoiding his eyes. "It's Lindsey's, isn't it?"

All Stevie could do was nod...

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