The Meeting

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Henry pulled into the school parking lot a few minutes ahead of the bell. The four all rushed in and arrived at the same first period just in the nick of time. Their teacher arrived a few minutes late, as usual. He was a young looking hispanic man who was reportedly in his late 40's yet didn't look a day over 20. Despite having a teaching degree, apparently, he was the head groundskeeper and only taught the one class.

"Ok everyone, sorry I'm late. If you would all open your textbooks, we can get to today's unit. Like I said on Friday, we will be covering carnivorous plants. Did any of you read ahead like I asked?"

He was met by dead silence.

"Ok, I figured that would be the case. I'll be honest, I'm not paid enough to care, so today we'll have a study hall and you can read the pages for tomorrow when we will have a quiz over the material." He sat down and smiled at the class.

A lot of the class groaned, but Henry was the only one who actually pulled out a book and started to read. Marie talked with Freddy and Charlie scribbled on a piece of paper and tried to remember his speech for English. He quickly got bored with that and looked around the class. He noticed that the teacher kept looking out the window every few minutes. He seemed on edge for such a normally laid back guy. Charlie figured he didn't get much sleep either and passed out on his desk until the bell rang. The rest of the day went as it normally does. Charlie got to revel in his hard earned C- that his poster project earned him.


When school ended he joined his friends on their way to Henry's Camaro.

"That had to of been the greatest day of school EVER!" said Marie. She unzipped her backpack and threw it into the car. The group all got inside the car and Henry made the slow crawl out of the parking lot.

"Yeah it was, everyone was jealous of this amazing Camaro of yours."

"Thanks Freddy, but I have opted to call it the Henry Mobile!"

"Eh, I think Camaro is fine," said Marie

"Hey guys, look over there." Charlie pointed out the window and saw that the groundskeeper was watching them, but not in a sinister way. He looked worried for them.

"Maybe he saw Henry driving on the sidewalk earlier and wanted to make sure he doesn't do it again," said Freddy.

"Hey! That was one time, and in my defence I was trying to do a thing, but I shifted into the wrong gear."


"Hey, I will turn this this car around," said Henry jokingly. ¨Also..." He stopped as his phone went off. He wrestled it out of his pocket and answered. The four looked on in confusion and then in worry.

"What's wrong Henry?" asked Marie.

Henry put down the phone with a somber look on his face. "Ok guys I'm gonna have to let you off here. I got a call, my mom's in the hospital."

"Oh you want us to come with you?"

"The doctor or whoever said she is only taking a few visitors." He pulled the car over near the town park. His three friends all got out, and he sped off in the other direction.

"Well my house is that way, so I'll guess I'll see you two tomorrow." Freddy turned and started walking away.

"Wait are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Marie sounded sad.

"Yeah, but I got a crap ton of homework I gotta do. See ya." He turned and waved before breaking into a jog. The overcast had gotten worse and he was worried it may start to rain soon. Marie and Charlie went the opposite direction and cut through the empty park.

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