Mice in a Maze

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Henry felt dazed. He rubbed his head and saw it was bleeding. He knew they had entered the castle but it had moved around them and they all got separated. Henry looked around and saw he was in a stone hallway of some kind, he looked to his side but his sword was gone. Henry slowly got up and then tentatively set off down the hallway. It was short and before long it sharply turned right, then left, then left again. The hall ended in a square room with four knights. One had a sword, one had a scythe, one had a mace, and one was missing its arms. Henry looked to the floor and saw them broken on the ground in front of it, someone had stolen whatever weapon it held. He turned around to go back the way he came but the way was shut, and when he turned around there were three new exits. He chose to go down the right hallway. It was long and snaked on for what felt like an hour. The further he went the darker the hall way got. Eventually he was left feeling his way around. He tried to go back but again the maze shifted and he ended up back where he was.

After a while the corridor narrowed and he started to smell something horrible in the air. He nearly tripped over something, and then did fall after slipping in something wet covering the ground. He stood back up and then felt around the floor. His hand settled on something round. He held it up and continued to feel at it to figure out what it was, though he already had a good guess. It was a skull. Henry threw it to the ground and ran. He didn't get far before he was walking upwards and saw light. Thee hallway got wide again and now the ceiling was white and illuminated. Some of the walls were glass. Henry looked about and his eyes settled on movement from one of the windows. He recognized the location, it was where he first arrived. The window showed himself spread out unconscious on the floor.

"What the...." ,Henry was confused. Was it a window into the past? He knocked on it but nothing happened. He tried to summon a whirlwind but again nothing happened. He was really nervous now and so he ran again. He heard someone else running so he stopped in another courtyard. He quickly hid behind one of the statues and peered out. He saw himself run by and into another part of the maze. Confused, he slowly got up but heard a scream and the sound he knew to be metal cutting flesh. He looked up but these statutes only heald globes, not a weapon of any kind. He took one anyways. Henry ran the way the other him had come from and when he did the entryway closed behind him. He figured whoever the other him had run from would have a weapon of some kind he could use. He rounded a corner and heard footsteps along with something dragging against the ground.

"Henry.....where are you....",The voice was old and raspy.

As soon as he saw part of the man peer over the corner he threw the globe at him. There was a sickening crack and the man hit the ground, his head was split open. Henry looked down at him and saw a bloody ax in his hand, it looked like one the knight likely had. As he looked over the rest of the body he saw the old man was dressed as he was. The clothes were battered and torn and the man himself looked starved. He turned the body over and confirmed his frightening suspicion. The man resembled himself only far older and sporting a long scraggly beard. Henry just sat there for a moment. He was terrified and unsure of what to do. Then he knew what he would do. He would survive. Henry grabbed up the ax and took off down the halls and went forward. He ran forward till he hit a dead end but kept running anyways. The wall broke into shards of glass behind him. He had cuts from the glass but kept on running. He passed a corridor covered in tally marks and another where it seemed a camp had been set up by stacking knight's armor. He ignored them all and ran through the walls and tunnels until he arrived at the end of the maze.

It was a tall room, brightly lit like the others, but it held a gruesome bounty. One large door with a golden key hole sat on the far side, but here were bodies covering the floor in front of it. All were of himself at various points in time. On the wall written in blood was "The Knight". Henry saw to the left and right were two corridors and sure enough in the left hallway there was a knight with his sword. He propped up the visor and revealed Henry as a late adult.

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