The Truth

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The group all starred up in awe. The volcano had gone off but only blueberries rained down. When they hit the ground the ground would ripple as if made of water.

"Does anyone else see anything odd about this...", asked Henry.

"", the group all looked to the right and saw a mangled sphere rolling towards them. It stopped at Ben's foot.

"Archimedes you're alive!", His face went dark."Did Festus make it too."

"I am sorry Ben. He is gone, his flame has been extinguished."

Everybody looked away from Ben, as a tear started to roll down his cheek. He wiped it off, and looked around for a moment.

"They'll pay for that, I swear it." He had a look of sadness and determination in his eyes. He then scooped up his dragon and put it in one of his jacket pockets. "And Festus will be the one to get pay back."

"So, what are those?", asked Marie looking at the cracks in the sky.

"They are why I was sent here." All eyes turned to Diego.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll let him explain." Diego's eyes turned a gold white and all the kids could feel power radiating from him.

"I apologise, but I can not appear to you in person this time. The dragons that are still loyal are mobilizing for battle. I am leading them."

"Battle against what?! Lau, the dream guy, more dragon children?!" Spouted Henry, exasperated by everything that had happened.

Diego snapped his finger and six orbs of light appeared, each a different color. There are six primordial dragons. We are the oldest beings in all of creation and before. The orbs aligned in a straight line, two moved forward. One was a swirling mist of purple and yellow and the other was a radiant gold. I spawned from my father, the Dragon of Chaos. I am the dragon of Existence, of Order, of Life itself. I brought in rules and stability to what was a nothing more than a crazed mass of chaos. He did not take it well. We fought many times. Eventually I realized I needed help so I created your parents. They are the ultimate beings, gaining their power off of the never ending power radiating off of existence. They were created by solidifying parts of the chaotic realm. They were the first four blows dealt to him and he was never able to truly recover. With the swords gone he will become whole, with my army splintered I am not strong enough to overwhelm him like I did in the past. So that is why I entrusted you four with the 4 swords of legend. Use those, and hopefully you can defeat him. And Ben, I am sure you know what you must do. If you do it, I will be more then happy to help you. Good luck my children.

"Before you go, explain to me something." Charlie said, a pissed off look on his face.

"Yes Charlie?"

"WHY IN THE HELL CAN LAU WIELD YOUR SWORD?!?!" Charlie yelled in an apparent rage.

A look of fear fell upon Diego's face as the Spacial Dragon struggled to keep his composure. "Uh... well, funny story really. Well, not a story, but I guess the truth. Maybe. I don't know. Hehe, I don't know what to say really, other than, well.... He is my son." Diego had an awkward look on his face.

"I CAN'T FOLLOW ANY OF THIS! WHAT IN THE HELL IS HAPPENING? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THIS BEFORE HAND? WHY WAIT TILL NOW?" Charlie was freaking out on Diego/Spacial Dragon. He went to punch Diego, and was held back by Freddie and Marie followed by a tackle from Ben.

"I didn't tell you out of shame. He is one of my greatest mistakes." Diego stepped back from the four as they got up.

"If he's your son why does he want to help this chaos dragon?!"

Diego looked down for a moment as if remembering something painful. "I bore him as a gift to an ally of mine from the past. Her husband and her could not conceive and at that time the land was to unstable for them to just adopt so I gave them a child. He grew up stronger, smarter, and luckier than most other humans. One day though his luck ran out His family was slaughtered and he went to me for help. I revealed I could help him begin anew but I could not change the past. He called me an old fool and found me uncaring letting bad things happen yet possessing all the power to stop them. I argued free will and he argued carelessness. He set out to right my wrongs."

"How exactly do you mean?", asked Hadley bitterly.

He wants to awaken the dragon of chaos so he can kill everyone. In the afterlife the good will be rewarded and the dead punished. When I found out what he had planned I stripped him of his power and cut all ties to him. But he persisted onward, using alchemy and old magics to find him. Once all are dead the dragon will kill me and crush all of existence so life cannot begin again.

The group all looked around at one another. There was a short silence.

Henry clapped his hands together and stepped forward,"So if I am to understand this correctly we went on this quest, running away from our parents, who are probably freaking out and wanting to murder everyone till they find us, we killed people in cold blood, lost two friends, fought to bring one back, had one of the most powerful dragons in the world die, had someone lose certain limbs, IT'S RAINING BLUEBERRIES, and all of this because your son is on a rampage?!"

"There is no time for this! The whole of reality is being ripped apart and flung into chaos!" He threw his arms up in emphasis at the red sky and snow quake.

"That's my point! It is all because of your mistake and because of your negligence. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here right now, we wouldn't of had to go through the pain of Freddy's death, or Sadie's, or Festus. We wouldn't of lost our families, and Charlie would still have normal hands!"

"Actually, I like my new hands." Charlie said, as his hands started to reform.

"Whatever, my point is, you started this, and then you make us end it. I don't think so. You should end this yourself. Get out here and fight Lau and whatever-his-name-is dragon of ponies or what have you. This is your battle, not ours."

"Hmm, I see. So you want me to come fight for you. Fine, I can do that, but you must help me, for I cannot do it alone. So, I am going to entrust Ben with my greatest secret."


"What do you mean author Charlie?" Marie seemed really concerned.

"DAMN YOU CHARlIE, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL?!?!? Anyways, Ben, step forward, what I am about to tell you is very important, and it is how you can control me and my powers. On top of that, it will allow me to teleport to wherever you are. Is this clear?"

Ben cleared his throat and said, "Yes, It is."

"Good, now let me tell you." Diego walked up to Ben and placed his head on his shoulder, and whispered, "I am telling you my true name, with it, you can control me and my power. Are you ready." Ben nodded his head, and Diego whispered, "Very well. My name, is Bob." Ben lost it. He fell to the ground laughing. A sour look fell on Diego's face. "That is one of the reasons I don't tell people. They always laugh at it."

"Oh my god that is amazing, I can't breath." Ben said as he was rolling on the ground laughing. "Of all of the names in the world. Oh my god yes!" Ben continued laughing for about another 45 seconds. He finally got up, and looked at Diego. "I am really sorry, but the build up for it and the suspense for the whole thing, it was just too much. I am really really sorry.

"It was a simple sound your parents could easily articulate. But there is one other thing I must tell you. It is more important than my name. This could win us the battle with the Dragon of Chaos. Listen very closely."

Diego leaned in and whispered into Ben's ear, and Ben became wide-eyed. He nodded, then turned to the others. "I think it is time."

"So what is it then you want us to do?" asked Charlie.

"Kids, today, on this most dire of days, we storm a castle."

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