The Water Dragon: Aquamarie

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 "What the HELL is wrong with all of you!?" yelled Henry. "She just jumps in and you won't do anything about it? We need to help her. She's been in there for 8 minutes now, and we all know that she can't last longer then 30 seconds!"

"Just wait. She will come back." said Charlie.

"For all we know she's DEAD!!!!" screamed Henry. "I'm going in after her." Henry stopped and noticed that the tourists in the area had stopped in their tracks. The whole area felt cold and dangerous.

"I don't think that will be necessary." said Freddy. "Look."

They all turned to the pool just in time to see that the water from the pool wasn't in the pool, but was instead floating above it. The water sparkled in the starry night sky, and looked like a universe all on its own. In the middle of it all was Marie, wielding a crystalline light blue sword. Behind her was a massive blue dragon. It almost looked like the Spacial Dragon, but shorter, much much shorter. It had big bright blue wings that sparkled with the water. The wingspan was longer than the reflection pool and its head was larger than any human body. The teeth of the dragon were about the circumference and length of the average forearm. It honestly looked like it could swallow the average human whole and have room to spare. Marie floated there as the water turned and spun, leaving the shore soaking wet.

The dragon looked at the trio and roared, and when it did a blast of blue fire mixed with boiling water was released from its mouth. It soared above the water and roared again, except nothing came out. As soon as it stopped all the water floated back into the pool except for a small bubble of water surrounding Marie. The Marie bubble then floated down in front of the trio and dropped her. It floated back into the pool while Marie leapt down onto the wet grass. Marie stood before them wielding the crystalline sword, she didn't have a single droplet of water on her. She started to laugh. And she started laughing harder and harder, it was infectious and the trio started laughing as well. There was a mixture of relief for Marie and coming to terms with just how crazy things had gotten for them. It took a while, but they finally calmed down. 

Marie cleared her throat, "You should've seen the looks on your faces. You all seemed so surprised."

"Of course we were surprised, you just flew out of the reflection pool with a dragon behind you." said Charlie laughing.

"Oh right, the dragon. Guys, I want you to meet my true mother, Aquamarie. I was named after her, that's where my name Marie came from. She is one of the four Elemental Dragons."

"I guess there is no need for me to introduce myself, seeing as she has done it for me. And of course I already know your names, I was there when they were given to you. As she said, I am the one of the 4 Elemental dragons, the Dragon of Water and the Overseer of Dragons."

"The Overseer huh? Is that like the King? " asked Charlie. He was still in awe over the terrifying yet majestic creature that stood before him.

"No, I am the king's right hand woman. I see to it that the laws are followed and that his territories are being properly governed. It is funny that you should ask that given that the king is your father. His name is Charles."

"Does that mean I qualify as prince?"

"Technically yes, but you must claim your position. Find your sword and we'll see what your father says on the matter."

"What are our dad's or mom's names?" asked Henry.

"Henry, yours is Heliod, and Freddy, yours is Fuego. But that is not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you, Marie, that you have not only awoken me, but you have also awoken your own powers. On top of that, only you can wield that sword. Freddy, try taking the sword from her."

Freddy took the sword from Marie, who seem to carry it like a feather. He held it for a moment and looked confused. As he was about to say something, he fell down face first into the grass. He got back up with Marie giggling at him, and the others looking confused. He went to pick it up, but found he couldn't. It had become heavier than he could carry. He looked at everyone and said, "It suddenly got heavy and dropped me."

Still laughing, Marie went over and picked up the sword like it was nothing and expertly swiped it in the air.Then she flung it into her other hand and swung at Freddy, stopping just before it cut off his head. She followed that with a spin away from him, and then then brought it down to her side.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Charlie asked.

"I didn't, it just came to me like an instinct." Marie said.

"That is awesome!" Henry said.


"When you wield your own Dragon Sword, you will have the greatest sword skills in the land, as so kindly demonstrated by Marie.

Marie smiled and raised her hand. When she did, a ball of water arose from the pool and floated over to her hand. She then closed her hand over the ball of water and when she opened it again, it was a ball of ice. She did the same thing again, except this time, it came out a ball of boiling water. She then made the ball normal temperature then tossed it at Charlie, who got soaked. The dragon laughed a big, deep laugh at this.

"As you can see, she can control water. Now I'm sure the Spacial Dragon told you your Hero names. So you can guess what you will be able to control. I must be going though.

"Wait, what do you mean "going". Charlie looked confused.

I have many other duties to attend to. You are summoning us to stabilize the realm and bring fourth our father, not to fight. But if you ever need me, stab the sword into the water and call my name. I will arrive as soon as possible. Goodbye my children, and stay safe on your Journey."

"Wait, what do you mean realm?"asked Marie.

" The defecting dragons are putting strain on this world by crossing over. I am needed to keep it stable and stop more from pressing through." The large dragon then spread its wings and took off in a giant blast of air. The 4 were thrown off their feet and tossed across the yard. "Sorry about that, I like to show off". And on that note, the dragon flew off into the sunset. As she left, so did the cold feeling. The people around them started moving around normally again, and it was as if nothing had ever happened.

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