The Earth Dragon: Charles

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Charlie and Marie were on the ground. Marie was using her powers over water to keep the blood from flowing out, all the while Charlie knelt down in pain. Henry desperately searched the lab coat for anything that he could use to find the stranger, but the pockets were all empty. He spun his arms and made another whirlwind. He lost one friend, he sure as hell wasn't going to lose another. Marie didn't know what to do, the blood was contained but if she let go of the stump it would come shooting out.

"Charlie, I have an idea but it's going to hurt a lot."

"I don't think that's possible." Charlie replied between pained breaths.

Marie put one arm on his elbow while keeping the other one firmly on his stump. She cut off blood flow at the elbow and changed the temperature of the blood closest to the opening. Charlie felt as if his arm had been set on fire. It took a few seconds but the wound quickly fused shut. Marie fell back unconscious, the stress of the magic was too much for someone as inexperienced as herself. Henry arrived and tore off a piece of shirt sleeve to tie over the wound as an extra precaution.

"Are you ok Charlie?" Henry was terrified.

"No, but I'm better off than I could be in this situation." The pain had dulled as the endorphins and adrenaline kicked in. "You stay with Marie, I'm gonna go after the hydra."


Sadie stood alone, sweaty and exhausted. She was looking up at the mess that lay before her. Her strategy of only cutting up the heads enough to kill them had first. As soon as the head completely died another would simply swing over and rip it off. Despite how careful she was being, not cutting the heads off was easier said than done. It was as if the all the heads were made of jello, they tore apart so ridiculously easy that it was near impossible not to cut them off. Now the hydra stood tall with over one hundred heads. She couldn't even see the body anymore, only a writhing mass of heads and necks. Ben and his dragon were barely holding their own against the abomination's constant attacks, and Hadley, like herself, seemed to only be making more heads. She wasn't sure what to do, she had never gone up against one of these before. The heads just kept on regrowing, and each time one died there was a shower of poison. Said poison had started to pool on the ground preventing her from getting close to it without being burned. All she could do was slice apart the heads as they lunged at her and stall until the King of the Dragons could be summoned.

Ben knew a little about Greek myths. He knew Poseidon was the god of the sea, he knew Zeus was a man whore, and most importantly he knew the hydra was beaten by cauterizing the heads so they couldn't grow back. Today he found out one of those little factoids was compleat bull shit. His sword, Archimedes, was able to radiate a copper colored flame and instead of cauterizing the head stumps it only made them charred and fall apart quicker. Currently he stood behind his dragon trying desperately to protect it as it was protecting him, but things weren't looking well. Festus was taking heavy damage, the hydra venom eating away at his scales and burning through to his insides. He would not survive the attack much longer.

Hadley used his new sword and started stabbing at the heads that were able to reach him in the air. The heads died at first, but as they fell the other heads would rip them apart so two new ones could replace it. Hadley, out of all of them, had a particular fear of the creature. When he first refused to hunt down the other dragon children he was tortured. Since he could regenerate from most wounds they were especially brutal. He knew the sting of the hydra's venom, the burning and irritation as it slowly eats away the flesh and poisons the blood. He flew because he needed to know he had a way out if things went bad. If they couldn't kill it, his plan was to save Sadie and get as far away from the monster as possible. As he looked down at the slimy mass from above he realized it was getting too big for them to beat. He flew down and tried to grab Sadie, but the heads attacked and he was knocked out of the sky. He was sent crashing to the ground near Ben. Sadie was unreachable so he, tried to protect Festus, the only thing he thought big enough to stop it.


"Charlie are you ok", asked Marie shot up as Charlie tried to walk away from them.

" hand...", Charlie said still in shock and stumbled as he tried to get away from them."Where is the sword?", he asked looking back at the two.

Henry and Marie looked at on another awkwardly. "Lau got away, the sword is gone", said Marie sadly.

"No matter, I have earth powers!" Charlie turned back towards the battle, but Henry grabbed him.

"You can't do that, you'll die."

"Well what else am I supposed to do!" Charlie shouted back.

"Something that doesn't result in us losing another friend you ass!"

"Hey!", Screamed Marie. The two spun around to see her." I have an idea. You could use magic before the sword right? Well technically you pulled it up so maybe you can still summon your dragon.'

"I don''s......I can try." Charlie stepped away from Henry and tried to think of his dragon. He tried to look past the pain and concentrate on his element, he had sensed the dragon's power and the might of the earth. He kept concentrating and started to feel his dragon's presence. He tried to walk forward, but blacked out. He saw only darkness around him, then he saw himself, he was falling through the darkness. Suddenly he stopped, something old and powerful was stirring. From the darkness a mighty shape took form. It was a dragon, probably the the toughest looking dragon out of all the ones he'd seen. It had thick ridged horns, a large muscular body, and thick grey and brown scales armoring it. It moved around as if awakening from a deep slumber. Charlie had no idea what to do, it seemed to radiate power and authority. He tried to speak but no words came out. The dragon looked around and found his son. It stood gazing down at him with deep green, reptilian eyes.

You have awakened me, son. Alas I feel I am trapped. Something is preventing me from fully crossing over to your world.

"I lost your sword...I'm so sorry...I wasn't strong enough." Charlie was devastated. He met his father and his first words were about how he had failed him.

I seen through you what has happened. It was not your fault, but without me you are in grave danger. The hydra you face is an ancient creature only the eldest of dragons have ever seen.

"Won't using fire stop them from growing back?"

No. The only way to kill the abomination is to destroy its body. It's body is the fuel that allows the heads to grow and the venom flow.

"Isn't there anything I can can do to to summon you? We need all four of you if we're going to win this!"

To summon me and save the world you must recover the sword. I can not aid you but I can fully unlock your elemental powers. Destroy the hydra and make haste, the battle for the fate of this planet is coming.

Charlie sprang up as vision of his dad faded away. He jumped up and looked around. The hydra was out of control, even if they could escape it would only go after the innocent people above. His eyes darted around for a weapon and his eyes landed on Lou's sword, still lying on the stone next to him. He picked it up and looked to his two worried friends. "Sadie, Hadley, and Ben need our help." With those words he charged towards the fight, followed closely by Henry and Marie.

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