The Loss

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Marie and Henry ran towards Lau, each wielding their magical blades. As the two reached him he sprang up and over them. He threw his coat off revealing a sword at his side, it was a rapier made from some jagged purple alloy. At incredible speed he pulled it out and attacked the two from behind. He was able to cut Marie across the back before the two were able to react and exchange blows. Marie and Henry had unlocked some of the most effective and powerful sword fighting techniques known to man when they had first grabbed their swords and unleashed their dragons. But this man had his own moves and centuries of experience to hone and adapt them. The two were quickly outmatched. Henry and Marie used their elemental powers but the man was always able throw himself out of the way or even get them to hit each other. In a matter of minutes he struck Marie and Henry in their chests and sent them flying into one of the canyon walls.

Sadie, Ben and Hadley were all locked in combat with the hydra, trying desperately to keep it away from the other three. The hydra kept spitting poison at the three and they kept barely avoiding it. Sadie was the only one that seemed to be doing just fine, dodging spit after spit, and cutting off head after head, making sure to keep just a small bit of it attached to keep the heads from growing back. Festus kept taking heavy damage as small holes in his metal plating allowed acid into his inner workings. He kept taking hits in order to protect Ben, as he used Archimedes as a long broad sword. Hadley was flying around, swiping at the Hydra and distracting the heads as Sadie continued her reign of terror on the Hydra.

Seeing his friends in danger Charlie ran around the three. If he could get the sword and summon his dragon they would win. He was almost to it when Lau slowly walked away from Henry and Marie. He eyed Charlie and studied exactly where he was headed. Charlie reached his sword and pulled it from the air. It began to materialize in his hand as it became physical once more. The energy it held flowed through him but as he started to summon his dragon his hand went numb. He looked to his right and saw Lau facing him, sword on the ground in front of him covered in blood. He looked back to his hand as it broke from his body and hit the stone below him. Everything became a blur as he grasped his stump. It was bleeding profusely and he could tell he was screaming, the pain was overwhelming. He dropped to his knees and tried in vain to stop the bleeding.

Lau dropped his sword and ran to Charlie's sword. He pulled gaws from his pocket and quickly wrapped the hand to the blade before it could come off. Marie and Henry pulled themselves up. Marie ran to Charlie, determined not to lose another of her closest friends. Henry ran after Lau, and upon seeing the boy running at him picked up the Sword of Earth and ran. He did not hold it by the blade, that would be impossible, but by Charlie's severed hand. Lau broke into a mad dash, ignoring the children and the hydra. He had what he came for and it was time to leave.

Henry used his new powers and summoned a whirlwind, Lau didn't look back in time and he was sent flying into one of the large rock formations that littered the canyon's base. Seeing his chance Henry used the air to shoot himself at Lau and raked him across the chest and then the arm with his blade. His sleeve was ripped apart along with part of his arm. Henry was taken back by what he saw. The wound bled blood but also watery green liquid, muscle was shown to be attached to metal bone, and despite the hole the arm still seemed to function. He knew that when Lau punched him in the eye and ran again. Henry wasn't able to reach him in time and he got to his destination, his lab coat. Lau stomped on something in one of the pockets and disappeared into a cloud of blue mist, along with the sword.

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