1 ► The Beginnings of Hatred

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The first train ride, the sorting ceremony, and the conversation that started it all.

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Kristen Wood and her twin brother Andrew had huge smiles on their faces as they approached platform 9 and ¾. They were both 11 years old and in a matter of minutes, they would be boarding the Hogwarts Express and heading off to Hogwarts for the first time. The two of them couldn’t be happier.

“Mommy, why can’t I go to Hogwarts?” their little sister Savannah asked.

“You have to be eleven, honey. You’re only seven,” their mother, Stephanie, replied sweetly.

“But I don’t want to wait four more years!”

The twins felt sorry for their little sister. Here they were about to start their life of magic while she had to wait at home for the next four years alone. Her time would come soon enough though. Then they could all have fun together.

“Kristen and Andrew, how about you two go first?” there dad Oliver asked, referring to the platform looming ahead, “Your mother, sister, and I will follow you.”

“OK,” they replied happily in agreement.

Kristen and Andrew held hand’s and started running towards the wall. Instead of running into it, they went right through it, happily landing on the platform.

The two of them stood gaping at the huge train as the rest of the family came through the wall to join them. People rushed around everywhere, making sure their child was all ready to leave for another year at Hogwarts.

“I can’t believe they’re going to Hogwarts,” Stephanie said to her husband.

“Me neither,” Oliver replied, “Our kids are growing up.”

Tears were in both of their eyes and Kristen and Andrew rolled their eyes at them. Their parents were way too emotional.

A few minutes later, they had boarded the train and were now waving to their parents and sister as the train pulled out of the station. It made them a little bit sad, knowing they wouldn’t be seeing them until Christmas, which was still months away.

“Let’s find a compartment,” Kristen stated and her brother nodded.

By the time they started looking, most of the compartments were already full. However, they did manage to find one that only had three people in it. The twins knew all three of them, since their parents were really good friends with each other. Sitting in the compartment was Taylor Finnegan, Jessica Thomas, and Alyssa Lee.

“Kristen!” Taylor exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her.

Jessica and Alyssa also joined her, squeezing Kristen tightly. Andrew just stood there awkwardly. He had never been nearly as good friends with these girls as his sister had been.

“Hi Andrew,” Taylor said after a while.

“Hey,” he replied.

They took a seat and started talking for a while. They talked about quidditch, which most of them were absolutely obsessed with. Kristen and Andrew’s dad had even played professionally. After a while, they sort of did their own thing. Kristen pulled out Hogwarts a History, which her mom had gotten her days before. It was actually quite interesting.

In fact, Kristen was so engrossed in her book that she didn’t even hear the door open as three more people entered the compartment.

“Why on earth are you reading something as dull as that?” she heard a voice ask her.

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