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{pls read author note at the end}

camari walked around the mall looking down at her worn out vans. i really need a new pair of shoes. she thought to herself. she looked around for the vans store, but all she had in front of her was hot topic. she shrugged and started walking to the store.

"so, you like hot topic?" the new guy, michael, asked camari. she stopped on her tracks and looked at him. could he possibly just leave me alone? she thought. camari ignored michael and kept walking to the store. michael kept walking next to her in silent, and that somehow surprised camari.

everyone always tries to make her talk, laugh, just something that involves using her voice; but obviously she never does. "do you like neck deep?" michael asked camari. she looked over at him and nodded. michael smiled and showed her a vinyl. "apparently it's half prize off." he said looking at the vinyl.

she turned around and kept looking at the clothes. all she needed right now was clothes, if amanda told her she could buy something else, then she would. "how does this shopping thing works?" michael asked camari. she stared at him, making him know that she doesn't talks. "oh right, sorry. um, am i supposed to have a card or som- wait, even better."

michael took his phone out of his back pocket and gave it to camari opened in the notes app. camari rolled her eyes and started typing.

you pick whatever you want, it needs to be clothes, and the go over to the cashier. she will put your stuff in a bag and then you have to look for amanda. amanda will come and she will pay for whatever you took. that's how it works :)

camari handed michael his phone and waited patiently for him to read what she wrote. she never does this, not even with rafael, but she was just helping the new guy. "oh." michael said and slightly nodded. "then, i'll go get some stuff."

michael walked away, leaving camari alone with her thoughts once again. she was surprised, once again. he left her alone and didn't stayed. michael is different and she enjoyed that about him. she took some shirts, jeans, skirts and some dresses; taking the cheaper ones so she could go to american eagle and pacsun.

michael saw camari walking over to the cashier, he watched her. camari handed the cashier her stuff, and the cashier simply smiled at her and placed all of her stuff in a box that had 'camari' written on it. she started making her way to the exit, but michael stopped her.

"can you help me?" michael asked camari.

camari looked at him and then started walking over to the cashier. michael followed her. camari never helps new guys, this is basically a new thing. she didn't even helped rafael when they first met, and they're friends now. camari has a good feeling about him, apparently. she feels like michael and her will have a lot of things in common. then there's that part of her brain that keeps telling her michael is like a very bad flu.


everyone was back at the foster house, the place that camari has learned to call home by the years. everyone, mostly the guys, have been getting to know michael. camari sat at her usual spot, next to the window, with her knees up to her chest. 

"i have something for you." amanda told camari while sitting down next to her. camari sat up straihjt and looked at amanda, common courtesy. amanda handed camari a box, wrapped in a shinny metallic paper, with a black bow on top. camari looked up at amanda, slowly taking the box from her hands. "i know you don't enjoy your birthday, or want anything for your birthday, just think of this as a normal gift." camari slowly started un-wrapping the gift, being extra careful to not brake the paper. as soon as she saw what it was, she almost screamed, almost. her eyes went wide and she gave amanda a hug.

"also, you turned 16 and im supposed to give you this next year, but you're a very good person." amanda handed camari a white box that said iphone 6 on the side. the 'foster care company' (also known as fc company) always give their faster children a phone when they turn 17. that's if they've been staying in it for a year or more. camari has been staying in that foster house for 3 years, and she brings no trouble. "go and start your new phone and new 3ds." amanda said and chuckled.

camari hasn't been this happy in years. she's been entertaining herself with her 6 year old gameboy, and she's goddamn sure she will keep using it. she's a slut for nintendo; and halsey. camari went to her room, not before giving amanda another hug, and started up all her new things. she knows how to use apple, rafael is 17 and he has a phone that camari constantly uses. she finishes setting up her phone and then looked at her new 3ds. how am i supposed to use it if i have no games? she thought to herself.

"cam, michael and i are going to in-n-out, wanna g- is that a new 3ds?" rafael said and quickly made his way closer to camari. she nodded furiously while smiling. "holy shit, are you smiling?" and again, she nodded furiously. "do you have any games?" rafael asked her. that's when her smile slowly disappeared a little. rafael raised his index finger before running to his room. he came back with pokemon x in his hands. "i already passed it, you can delete it and play it like new." camari smiled at rafael and gave him a hug. "now, will you come with me and michael to in-n-out?"

november 18, 2015 // author note

hi hey ppl it is i. i just finished writing this on my laptop and it is currently 11:13pm. my mum took my phone (im grounded) and sadly i won't be able to keep writing this story the way i wanted to. thanksgiving is next week, so i'll try to get my phone back or something. i rly wanted to update this story a shit load, but apparently the only way i will be able to write will be on the weekend and really late at night. if anything happens that i don't upload for a while one (or all) of this things has happened: a) a shit load of school work. b) my mum found out i use my laptop late at night. c) i got my laptop taken away. d) i have no internet. e) im having and writers block. (a), (d) and (e) are most likely to happen. i really hope i get my phone for thanksgiving, and if not, the week after or on christmas. anywhore, i'll keep you guys updated.

luv you guys~

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