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mikey: mcdonalds???

cam: i don't eat meat, michael

mikey: but... what if... you did?

cam: um,,,,, what?

mikey: nvm

mikey: i rly want mcdonalds bre

cam: ew

mikey: come onnnn

cam: me

mikey: what?

cam: nvm

cam: can we go to some other place?

mikey: just eat a fucking salad at mcdonalds !!!

cam: mcdonalds is fucking disgusting

mikey: eXCUSE YO U

cam: you heard it

mikey: i actually read it

cam: you're fucking stupid

mikey: why do you curse so fucking much???

cam: you literally just cursed

mikey: ...shush

michael hasn't heard camari talk since that day. that was two weeks ago. yesterday, michael came up with the brilliant idea of exchanging numbers with camari, and text with her instead. camari was pretty happy with that idea, and she was pretty happy with the fact that michael didn't kept bugging her to talk to him.

somehow, michael understood that she didn't wanted to talk, but he still had hopes that she would talk more with him. he enjoyed the sound of her voice. in this few days, michael thought that camari didn't talked because she hated her voice, but he never asked her.

mikey: do you hate your voice?

cam: umm,,, no wtf

mikey: why dont u talk then??

cam: i do talk, you heard me the other day

mikey: 2 weeks ago****

cam: whatever

camari locked her phone screen and kept playing pokémon. she hates it whenever someone asks her that question.

so, why do you not talk?

what made you not wanna talk?

did you get raped?

did you saw someone get killed in front of you?

what the fuck made you not talk?

did the mouse ate your tongue?

why don't you talk?

camari rolled her eyes and walked to her room. michael, immediately assuming he made her pissed, shoot up from his seat and started chasing camari. "camari, wait." michael said as soon as he got a grip on her. "im sorry for asking that."

camari let out a sigh and turned around. she looked at michael and said nothing. she turned around and walked inside her room, closing the door behind her.

"god, im so fucking stupid." michael said and let out a big sigh.

"what's wrong?" rafael asked, making michael jump scare. "was it something with cam?"

michael rolled his eyes. "just leave me alone." michael said and walked away to his room.

why do i always have to fuck shit up? michael thought. he laid in the not so comfortable bed, staring at the ceiling. he wanted to leave the foster house, and he was so excited because he thought he was leaving when he turned eighteen. camari had to burst his bubble.

camari is driving him insane and he doesn't knows why or how.

mikey: im sorry for asking that

cam: i know

mikey: then why you didn't say anything???

cam: rafael was right behind you

cam: plus, he walked in asking me what happened

mikey: sigh

cam: yea

camari threw her phone to the side of her bed and ignored any other text that came from people in general. she played her music and stared at the ceiling. camari is starting to like michael, more than a friend. she's never been through this, so she doesn't even knows how to handle it. she's seen so many romantic movies, but they're not her type. they all meet each other, and the next day they're making out and what not. cliché. the most horrible word in camari's dictionary.

her phone vibrating a shit ton of times snapped her out of her thoughts.

mikey: can i ask you something?

mikey: cam?

mikey: r u ignoring me??

mikey: i'll just ask you, you'll see it eventually.

mikey: you're probably sleeping

mikey: so

mikey: have you ever had a crush on someone?

mikey: but like, really quick

mikey: as in, "love at first sight"?

mikey: that's stupid, nvm

mikey: i dont even believe in that bullshit

cam: cliché

mikey: so you're awake?

cam: i was listening to music, barney

barney: said the girl with purple hair as well

cam: yea, but mines a light shade of purple

cam: you have the same exact color of barney's

barney: please tell me my contact name isn't barney

cam: it's barney

Mute // m.c. // on holdWhere stories live. Discover now