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camari sat by the window, like always, only that this time she was playing with her 3ds; instead of looking out the window. michael really wanted to walk over to her, maybe even play 3ds with her. michael likes spending time with her, but he kinda hates the fact that she doesn't talk. michael talks a lot, and camari not talking at all makes him frustrated.

it's been a month, and michael low key has thing for camari. he has tried to be a little obvious, but it seems like camari is also blind. giving up, michael walked over yo camari. "guess what." michael said as soon as he sat next to camari. she kept playing in her 3ds, didn't even looked up for a second. michael decided to keep on going. "im gonna be eighteen in two weeks, which means i'll be leaving in two weeks."

camari paused her game, rolling her eyes, and took michael phone from his hand. she got in notes and started typing.

you actually leave when you turn 20. gabriel over there (blue chair, right corner) is 20 and he hasn't left bc he doesn't even has a part time
job. you need at least a work so you can leave at the age of 20. unless you wanna be a hobo at the age if 21.

michael chuckled at camari's last sentence. "i thought we left when we turned eighteen." camari shook her head. "how old are you, by the way? seventeen?" michael asked her, really hoping she was seventeen. camari nodded and continued to play on her 3ds.

michael let out a loud sigh, which caught camari's attention, making her pause her pokémon battle and look at michael once again. she knows she's making michael frustrated, it's not the first time. she always makes everyone frustrated, since she doesn't talks.

"camari doesn't talks, so don't bother saying much."

"she's not a talker."

"good luck at making her speak."

camari does talks, not just to anyone. you can ask rafael, he's one of the few people that has heard camari say 'same'. "you know, i do talk, you shouldn't be so frustrated."

michael's eyes went as wide as an owl's eyes. "oh my." was the only thing that came out of his mouth. he gulped as soon as he realized his mouth was wide open as well. "don't tell anyone." that being said, she stood up and walked away to her room.

december 16, 2015 // 9:11 pm

im so so so so sooo sorry this is such a short filler. but, hey, im back !!! it was about goddamn time lolz. next chapter will be better, i pinky promise.

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