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camari sat by the window and played pokemon x. before she had her 3ds, she used to look outside the window. she used to look at the birds flying, look at the old lady take out the trash from her vintage coffee shop, she even used to imagine what everyone outside were thinking. but this whole week, she's been playing pokemon x twenty-four hours a day.

christmas is a few days away, and she couldn't care less. she has always hated christmas trees, the horrible decorations, even the fat guy with white beard that dresses in red. presents are the worst, everyone happily opening their shitty presents, while camari sat by the window opening her card with twenty bucks.

camari's mother always found a way to fuck up christmas. so, camari took that as a 'never enjoy christmas or something bad will happen' and so far it has worked.

while camari hated christmas more and more, michael was almost shitting his pants of excitement. he couldn't believe christmas was so close, he couldn't get tired of waking up and smelling the christmas tree. he loves christmas, and he wants christmas to never end.


cam: no one cares

camari never understood how she's attracted to someone so different from her. it's like michael is a dog and camari is a cat.

mikey: christmas is the best time of the year, what's wrong with you?!

cam: it's just another boring day of the year, what's so fucking exciting about it?

mikey: the smell of the christmas tree, the decorations, lights, presents, SNOW!

cam: fuck no, no, ew, ???, snow is the worst

mikey: you're so fucking emo i s2g

cam: ty for noticing

camari shoot her head up when she heard her name being called by amanda. "come here!" camari stood up after pausing her game and closing her 3ds shut.

cam: do you know why amanda is calling me?

mikey: there's a woman asking for you. keep me informed

camari furrowed her eyebrows and put her phone in her back pocket. camari crossed her arms and stood in the door frame of amanda's office.

"oh my god, baby." a woman with short brown her said as she sat up and walked over to camari. her skin looks like it was fry from so much spray tan, her eyebrows are horribly done and has the famous infinity tattoo in her wrist. she's dressed in some light skinny jeans and a white shirt with some uncomfortable high heels.

"what's wrong baby, aren't you excited to see me?" the woman said. the mysterious woman tried to touch camari's cheek, but she slapped it away.

"why won't you say anything? tell me something." that's how camari knew that woman doesn't knows her, if she knew camari, she would know camari doesn't talks to random strangers. "did these people do anything to you?" the woman asked.

"no, she doesn't talks because of you." amanda said, shooting the woman a glare.

that's when camari realized who that woman is. that woman is her mother.

january 10, 2016 // 5:45 pm

guys, god im so sorry im uploading now. but i'll be updating 3 chapters today. here's one of them. merry christmas and happy new year (late af)

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