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Father Daughters Dance Part Two


Chris, Tae, August and I finally made it to the dance hall with his daughter. I looked at the nice environment and nodded my head in approval.

"Baybeh come on I wanna get in and get out." August grabbed my hand with Autumn by his side. I reluctantly placed my fingers in his as we walked into the building.

I glanced behind me just to make sure that Chris and Tae were following behind. I smiled small and took in their nice appearance. It wasn't until now that I realized that they were matching.

"Move out of my way I wanna see my God Daughter." Tae pushed past August and I before bending down to Autumn's level.

She began to rant about how pretty and shit she is. She then reached into her bag and pulled out some strawberry cookies. She went to give Autumn one until August slapped it out of her hand.

"Child is you crazy trynna kill my little mama!" He snatched Autumn away from Tae while Autumn pouted. I looked at him like he was before slapping him in the back of his head.

"It's just a damn cookie. Calm the hell down." I snapped. He looked at me annoyed while he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's not just a cookie smart ass. It's a fucking strawberry cookie!" He commented. I furrowed my eyebrows together and stared at him, growing dumbfounded.

"Okayyyy? You act like she gonna be rolling in her own weight over one cookie." He placed Autumn down and plucked me on my forehead.

"That's for hitting me. Don't put yo hands on me or next time I'ma slap the shit out of you. Two, she's allergic to strawberries stupid. Ya trynna kill my baybeh and shit, fuck is wrong with ya?" He questioned.

"How the hell is she allergic to strawberries when I gave her some of my strawberry banana smoothie from McDonald's just yesterday. She was fine to me." I said, somewhat confused. He rose both eyebrows seeming off guard.

"Little Mama, do you know what you're allergic to?" He asked, bending down level to level with Autumn. She nodded her head.

"The doctor say that I is allergic to oranges. The round one, not color." She responded. Looking at me both confused and angry, he stood up completely. Mumbling shit underneath his breath, he grabbed Autumn's hand in his and proceeded towards the dance hall.

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed Tae's hand so that we could go inside.

"Well damn allat for a fucking cookie? Can I get one?" Chris joked. I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed along with Tae.


I angrily stormed into the dancehall, mad at the fact that Christina gave me stupid information. I could've gave her oranges and not knowing about her correct allergies, she could've had an attack.

"Daddy, dance." Autumn pointed to the dance floor with all the other fathers and daughters. I nodded my head and grabbed her hand. We need to work on her sentences, she's too old to be talking like this.

I guided her to the dance floor and began to dance with her. I bent down to her level to spin her around. Happily, she smiled widely as she allowed a giggle to escape her lips. I smiled at the sight, happy to have my daughter here with me.

It was going on the third song and she wasn't tired yet. She got so much damn energy. As I was spinning her around, I felt a hard tap on my shoulder.

"August man wassup. I see you're taking care of Mel's daughter. That's real nice of you." A familiar voice spoke.

I turned completely around to see an old friend from New Orleans. I was about to ask him what the hell is he talking about until Autumn jumped straight into his arms.

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