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"August get up someone's at the door." I kept pushing August but he wouldn't budge. I kicked him off the bed and turned back around to go back to sleep. He got off the floor and stood over me.

"Baybeh why didn't you get it. Lazy ass." He ripped the covers off of me and walked out the room. I rolled my eyes and got up to brush my teeth. After I finished brushing my teeth Tae walked into the room.

"Wassup sexy. I didn't wake you up did I?" I just stared at her.

"Noooo not at all." I said with sarcasm. She smiled and sat down on the bed. "Umm not to be rude but why are your here?" I asked. She sucked her teeth and patted the bed for me to sit next to her.

"Well fuck you too. Anyways come sit I gotta put you on." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her. This better be good. "Well you know how me and Chris broke up... Well he came by yesterday after arguing with me over the phone and he put in work." My eyes widened.

"See I knew ya wouldn't break up for long. Does Ian know?" She shook her head no. I slapped her on her arm. "Why the fuck not? He's going to-" she interrupted me.

"I told you from the jump that there was nothing going on with me and Ian. He was just something at the moment." I nodded my head. I'm not gonna get involved, that's between them two.

"I still think you should tell him before someone else does. Other than that I'm not getting involved ya some grown ass people ya can handle it." She looked at me for a minute then shrugged her shoulders. "Why are you shrugging your shoulders?" I asked.

She pulled out her phone and went to her Instagram. "I was gonna tell him but then I saw this." She showed me a picture of Ian and some basic looking bitch cuddled up wearing the same outfit..

"Damn. Oh well she looks basic anyways." She nodded her head and laughed.

"Deadass. Anyways that's not all I came here to tell you. We never really spoke about what we saw at the beach." I quickly looked at her and widened my eyes.

"I didn't think there was anything to talk about. I mean he's dead right? That couldn't have been him." She shook her head and put her phone back in her bag.

"I was hoping that that was the answer but it wasn't. This is crazy. I even told Chris." She confessed.

"Why tell Chris? There's no problem with it but what made you tell him?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I told him Trey didn't have a dick and he thought I was cheating on him with Trey so I explained what happened." I nodded my head.

"Oh okay. What did he say?" Knowing Chris he's probably gonna go kill him. That nigga is so fucking cool but he has this switch that would go off in a heart beat.

"He said the next time I see him to let him know no matter what and to stay the fuck away from Ivory." I can agree with that. The room grew quiet. I can tell she was thinking cause I was doing the same.

"Matter of fact. Let's not stay away from Ivory. Let's get closer to her because she was with Trey at the beach and there has to be a reason for that. We should keep her close to us to learn her motives." Tae grew a quick smirk on her face and nodded her head.

"You know what mama always said. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." We both slapped hands and laughed.

August walked into the room with a mad look on his face. "What's your problem?" He just stared at me.

"So when was you gonna tell me about the Trey thing?"

"I didn't think I had to tell you. I swear I thought I handled it. Who told you this anyways?"

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