Chapter 6

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Icy: Hey guys it's been forever. The main reason behind that is my iPod crashes every time i try to update and my parents are kinda strict on letting me use the computer, SORRY TO ALL MY AMAZING, FABULOUS READERS, LOVE YOU GUYS 

Timeskip: Gray and Natsu (and magenta)

"I can't believe she's making us work together" Gray said."What was she thinking?!" "Obviously she wasn't thinking" Natsu said, "Everyone knows that fire and ice don't mix" "Shut your trap you two" Magenta said, obviously already upset, "I don't need you guys either of you to take out this guy but that's what what Erza said to do" "Are you kidding me, I could take both of you out right now!" both of the boys said, then turned on each other "Are you copying me?" Then they realized there were 2 ways to go. "I don't know about you losers but I'm going this way" Magenta said taking off on the left. "So where do we go" Natsu asked. "Well looks like we're splitting up" Gray picked the right, Natsu took the left. "Natsu" Gray said, not turning around. "We're up against an evil freak who getting ready to unleash a deadly spell, if you find him give him a thrashing." "You don't have to worry about that" Natsu said smirking, "I've got a bone to pick with that jerk for messing with fairy tail. I'm going to burn him to a crisp." Then they realized they were agreeing with something so they turned away from each other. "Don't die on me" Gray muttered under his breath. "Huh?" Natsu said. "Nothing" gray said running off "Later, loser"

"You coming Fullbuster?" Magenta said slowing down to let him catch up, "I was thinking we should go to the studio because he said he was going to broadcast it." Gray nodded in agreement. When they arrived Gray kicked down the door

 "You realize you could've just opened the door." Magenta said walking in. "Dang it there's nothing here" Gray said. "Gray,- Move!" Magenta shouted, right as Rayule attacked, Gray barely missed it. "Nice guess sweetheart," Rayule said, "but our plan isn't as obvious as it might seem." "Then tell me what the plan and I might let you live" Gray said.

Back to Erza

"Look someone's coming out" someone from the crowd said. "What's going on" another yelled. "If you value your lives you will leave this place at once" Erza yelled "This place has been taken over by evil wizards and are threatening to broadcast a deadly spell over the loudspeakers that will kill everyone here, I beg you run as far as you can" "Hey lady" one of the train director said "why would you start such a panic like that" "I would rather that then watch all of these people die" Erza said, "You should evacuate too."

And to Gray and Magenta again

"There no escape from my magic." Rayule said. "Ice make: shield" Gray said. "Ice make: lance" Magenta said. "Ice magic?" Rayule exclaimed. "Ice make: knuckle" Gray said attacking him once again. "This is your last chance to tell me what your plan is" Magenta said. "You never planned on broadcasting it did you." Rayule chucked "Erigor's magic wind wall should be up by now" "Erigor's what?" Gray asked. "A wind barrier to keep you from escaping."

Gray slammed Rayule against a wall "Why don't I get straight to the point here..tell. Me. What. The. Plan is or else." "We simply created a cage to hold some flies, we only took over this station to block traffic." "Why" Magenta said her eyes narrowing. "Because the next stop is where we're going." "Clover" Magenta said darkly "Where the conference is being held" Rayule smirked and nodded "Yep we're going after the old farts." the fight started up again "if you mess with the guild masters you mess with all of us" Gray said. "They may be old farts" Magenta said "but they are the closest things we got to parents."  

Icy: Alright, um that's all i got for now....sorry,,,,, standard disclaimers apply yadda yadda yadda so on and so forth......

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