Chibis (ep. 1)

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So, what's a Chibi you ask? Its just a version of characters and OCs turned chibi. They're about the size of a Minion and extremely adorable.
Their names are the normal names of the characters but made small. For example: Becky, Becsy, Brenny, Flynnie, Willy, etc.
Their voices are a bit like the characters' voices but helium is added.
Our first episode features Will, one of the users of the account Prince_Solace (plz follow them)

Will: "Alright, Brenny, repeat after me: Brocoski"
Brenny: "Brocoski"
Will: "Very well, Brenny. Now you, Flynnie. Brocoski"
Flynnie: "Brocoski"
Will: "Great! Your turn Becky. Brocoski"
Becky: "Lachowski"
Will: *chuckles* "No Becky, not Lachowski. Bro-cos-ki. Repeat"
Becky: "La-chow-ski"
Will: "Its brocoski, Becky..."
Becky: "..."
Will: *waits*
Becky: "Lachowski"
Will: *screams in frustration* URGH!!!

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