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Since this is my first storytime chapter, I'm doing two stories.

They both happened during science class.
Here we go...
This one happened today.
So you know when at school the intercom says they need a student to check out of go to the office or something? Well, there's this student that has to get out of class before us for reasons that I don't know.

It went a bit like this.
Intercom: "Mr. Science Teacher, we need this boy to the office"
Science Teacher: "I'm sorry but he already left"
Intercom: "Oh okay"
Science Teacher: "But--" *woman in intercom hangs up*
So when she hung up I said:
Then the whole class started laughing. Even the teacher, then he said:
"I guess so Ms. Rebecca"

Story #2
Still in science class, a while ago.
This student kept on interrupting the teacher's lesson by completing the correct answer during his explanation. Which was really starting to piss the teacher off since he was trying to finish the lesson.
So at a certain point he yells at the student:

Bec's Book of Art Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now