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Julian Edelman is 17 years old.

He's in his second to last year of school and literally has it all.

Dating A Cheerleader. Star Wide Receiver. The Looks. The Brains. The Money.

But the thing is he is the most conceited person within the entire school. Thinking that nobody can be as good as him, or his girlfriend, he tends to bully others. If he believes you will never live up to his expections then he will make sure your life is a living hell. Of course he only does that for a minority of the school population but that doesn't mean he ignores all the other nobodies.

But one day, a bystander sees him bullying someone for no complete reason. The bystander thinks that the star wide receiver needs to be taught a lesson. So what's the most perfect lesson?

A curse, of course!

She puts a curse that represents his disgusting personality. The curse that causes his own parents to be ashamed and hide him from the world. It breaks his family as he realizes his family only cares for their social status. He loses his girlfriend and all that he had. All cause of a curse.

A curse that gives him a time limit.

A curse that only true love can fix.

Now meet Kay Williams.

She is nowhere close to Julian. She is the complete opposite in all honesty.

She is on the bottom of the social ladder. She lives in a home that is so broken, you would never be able to tell by the fake smile she puts on everyday. Her family is also broke. So she is living a broke and broken lifestyle at home. But she is also a very smart girl. Though it's the type of smart that would get her called names.

Most importantly though, she is invisible.

So when she begun school, during the middle of the school year, with her three sisters, she's not surprised that nobody pays attention to her. She could disappear for hours and no one notice she's gone. So what happens when she just goes for a walk in the woods and comes across a cabin? Especially when that cabin is the home of the missing wide receiver?

Could She Find Him And Possibly Reverse This Curse?


Warnings(I'll Add More To It As The Story Goes):

-Lots of fluff
-Long climb up to relationship (like they will slowly build up a friendship then relationship, it won't happen right away)
-Some people won't be as they are in real life (ex. some players from the Patriots and such will be complete jerks and idiots though I highly doubt the people I choose are like that in real life. This is all just for a book so remember that.)

-Some Smut

-Switching Of POV's Between The Main Girl & Boy

-Some things will be fictional but again this is FICTION so yeah. Don't hate on that(:

Also, this book is based loosely off Beauty & The Beast. And each chapter will have a recommended song that basically I listened to while writing that specific chapter. At the end of the book I'll post a chapter with the list of songs all in one place but yeah.

This fanfic CAN NOT be copied, translated, reposted, reproduced, or re-edited in any shape or form unless you have MY, the author of this book, permission to do so. If you see anyone copying my work at all please notify me so I know! Thanks xx

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