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Popular by MIKA Ft. Ariana Grande


Julian's POV

Imagine being perfect. 

You can't?

Well I can cause I am.

I have the most perfect family.

My dad owns car dealerships all around the country while my mom is a stay at home mom. I have an older brother named Jason, who is 24 and out of the house. I also have a younger sister, Nicole, who is 14 and will be enjoying her first year of high school this year as I enjoy my second to last. Basically, she'll be a freshman and I'll be a junior.

Then there's me. 

Mom's favorite though she won't admit it to anyone else. 

I have it all since my mom loves to spoil me. Mom doesn't care how old I am she just loves to spoil me and be there for me. And being 17, you would think I just want my mom to stay out my life. But I mean when she gives me everything why would I want that?

Today was a school day though which meant I had to wake up early. Not as early as my little sister though which she never liked. But she also took longer showers than me and just took forever. Yet again, we all had a bathroom connected to our bedrooms so that shouldn't really matter. With being the favorite child, it had it perks and this was one of them.

Checking the clock, I got out of bed and headed over to my bathroom. I turned on the shower before stripping off the little clothing I wore to bed. Turning on the hot water, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and ran my right hand through my messy bed hair.

Honestly didn't feel like going to school. And I knew if I told my mom that she would let me stay home. But I promised my girlfriend that I would go today. She has this big competition this weekend. Did I forget to mention that she is head captain of the cheerleading squad?

Jocelyn, my girlfriend, was the most beautiful and talented girl on the squad. I guess the two of us were destined to be together. Considering she was a cheerleader and I am on the football team. Now I'm not the quarterback, which usually is the one dating the head cheerleader, but I am the wide receiver. Jocelyn just caught my eye and she seemed to have returned the feelings and we got together.

Anyways, once the water was warm enough I hopped into the secluded area and begun to wash myself. I washed my body before washing my hair. Then I may have spent an extra ten minutes in the shower just thinking. Once I got out, I dried myself off then went into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist.

Quickly searching through my closet, I found what I wanted to wear for the day before changing into the clothes. Going back into my bathroom, I styled my uncut hair and brushed my teeth then went downstairs into the kitchen to find breakfast already made.

"Good morning mom."

"Good morning  Jules. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. I was thinking about staying home but I promised Joce I would go today."

"She couldn't stay home?"

"No because she has a cheer competition tomorrow and her coach wants everyone after school to practice and perfect everything."

"Well you hurry up and eat then. Don't want to leave that pretty girl waiting."

"More like she would leave me waiting," I chuckled before eating the food on my plate as my mom walked away with a smile on her face. She couldn't stand me sometimes. 

The Heart Of The Beast (Julian Edelman AU)Where stories live. Discover now