Chapter 5

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So Quick Note: Up Above Is My School's Lip Dub For 2016. And To Be Honest I Think We Did Really Well During This. Like I Have Never Been Prouder Of My School. And So Many Of My Friends Got "Solos" For This. Like I Am Proud They Went Through With It. And My Football Team, Some Pretty Good Looking Guys There, So I Mean When They Also Did That Little RTT Moment, I Was Emotional. Anyways, Watch That Cause You Get To See My School (Or Parts) And Possibly Spot Me!!(:

Anyways here's chapter 5

Recommended Song:

Call Me Maybe ~ Carly Rae Jepsen


Kay's POV

When I got home, I was happy to finally be in my bed. 

Honestly, I don't know how I managed to get home and inside to my room without getting caught. I knew my parents and sisters were worried sick about me. Though from the looks of it, our parents were most likely out shopping to get more things for our new house, considering the fact one of the car's are gone, it being one of theirs. Then when I walked in I could hear Bree and Leila talking at the other end of the hall and Hannah was most likely passed out.

Probably wondering how I got home?

Well I followed that mystery boy's instruction towards finding the main road. For a while though, I just walked across the side when a car pulled up beside me, scaring me half to death cause I thought I was going to get kidnapped. But it was no kidnapper, just the guy, Tom, I met at Nicole's party. We chatted about how I got there, but I only gave little detail considering the fact that he may would have thought I was crazy if I told him some random guy who lives in a cabin gave me his number. 

Nonetheless, Tom offered to give me a ride to my house and who am I to pass up on an offer like that? So I accepted and thanked him before getting into his car. Every now and then I would tell him when to turn or what street to look out for. And within an hour and twenty-five minutes, he was pulling into the driveway. I thanked him once again before getting out and heading up to my front porch. Waving bye as he pulled out, I quietly opened the front door and walked in hoping nobody would hear me. Which as I explained before nobody did hear me.

I got about an hour and a half of sleep before people barged into my room. People meaning my sisters. One of them opened my curtains as the other two sat on my bed making it nearly impossible for me to be able to fall back asleep even with them there. So I was hoping if they just asked their questions then I could answer and they can leave quickly so I can fall back asleep.

"Where were you?!"

"Why didn't you answer our calls?!"

"Do you know how worried sick we were?!"

"We thought something happened to you!"

"How could you do that to us!?"

"Why didn't you just stay?!"

Groaning, I covered my head with my pillow waiting for their questions to subside before decided to answer them. I honestly had no energy to deal with them considering I was just woken up from a nice slumber. 

"Can you three just stop talking and listen to me?" I asked clearly annoyed as they quickly closed thier mouths and stared at me. "I wasn't able to answer your calls because my phone got ruined when I got pushed into that pool by the guys you three left me alone with. And for what reason? To go flirt with some random guys you met the day we moved in here. And I ran off because last thing I needed was you guys to say sorry for forcing me to go somewhere I didn't even want to go and then forcing me to stay with those guys who I clearly told you I had no interest in."

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